Reviews of Dolomite Camp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
97 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Dolomite Camp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

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"Dolomite Camp review"
Its hill-top location, gives great views over the plains on either sides, but requires dexterous buggy driving to get luggage to the spread-out tents. A slightly bizarre arrangement from a practical point of view, not ideal for anyone whose ability to walk is compromised. To be fair I was only there one night." See all these reviews: 16n in Namibia
"Dolomite Camp review"
The room was large and comfortable with a big patio with sunbeds and a private plunge pool. The camp is unfenced so you are escorted back to the chalet after dinner for safety reasons. Wildlife was all around from dassies on the rocks to lions doing a walk-past below our balcony at dusk. Couldn't have the patio doors open on the second night due to baboon colony camped on the rocks just outside. You could sit on our balcony and watch the comings and goings all day if you wanted.
The facilities are excellent but the staff, though friendly, are overstretched and the organisation could be better. Importantly the place gives access to the waterholes in the West of Etosha which is less frequently visited." See all these reviews: 19n in Namibia
Lengthy power cuts. Inter-room phones out of order.
Food dire (although 'light lunch' was fine)" See all these reviews: 27n in Namibia
"Dolomite Camp review"
No welcome simply fill in these forms.
Moved our chalet, no consultation, new chalet poor, light cord had broken, toilet door catch did not work, ventilation panels unable to work as zips had stuck.
Reception staff more interested in carrying on their conversation on their mobile phone than dealing with customers.
Shame great location." See all these reviews: 12n in Namibia; 3n in Botswana; 3n in South Africa; 2n in Zimbabwe
"Dolomite Camp review"
"Elephants as small as ants!"
Our road here was the less travelled one -- at one point we had to weave among springbok and zebra just sitting and standing on the gravel road as if no cars had been passed in a long while.
Not a place for those afraid of heights but the view from our room really did make distant elephants look like ants.
Meal times were a bit weird with long waits while food came from the kitchen to one of the two dining rooms." See all these reviews: 13n in Namibia; 3n in Botswana
"Lovely camp in quiet part of the park"
Wonderful view across the plain from the room and the bar and a nearby waterhole which was visible from the camp but only by walking a bit further than the paved track. Not to be done after dark!
Friendly service although not always efficient- e.g. there didn't seem to be a way of alerting reception of arrival at the car park at the bottom of the hill - we were lucky that a vehicle was already transporting someone else but we saw someone else left for about 15 minutes even after we told reception about it.
Good food and good value wine.
Good game viewing at the waterholes. Some of the game were quite inquisitive possibly because they were not as habituated to vehicles as in other parts of the park as access is mainly for people staying at Dolomite. This part wasn't open when we last visited so it was good to be allowed in. A fun experience" See all these reviews: 15n in Namibia
"Dolomite Camp review"
The problem with the camp is that you are totally reliant on a golf buggy to get around the site as some of the climbs if you are elderly are just too much in the heat and as the camp was full, you spent a lot of time waiting for transport.
As it was fairly dry the game was concentrated around the water holes with especially good viewing at Renostervlei , Rateldraf and Arendsnes." See all these reviews: 7n in Botswana; 6n in Namibia
"fabulous position but watch out for oryx!"
We also ended up in a hut at the far end of the ridge, away from the reception/bar/pool etc. This had a small 'plunge' pool on the deck but more importantly for us, it over-looked a water hole and as we were looking out over the bush about 5 minutes after arrival, a herd of around a dozen elephants crossed below us, on the way to water. As always the staff were great but there was a slightly confusing set-up, with two huts where meals were served, for no reason other than fitting everyone in as far as we could tell. But possibly because of a shortage of staff in the quiet season, there was some delay in getting served and getting a drink - nothing serious but given the status of Dolomite as a jewel in the crown camp, it needs looking at.
When we got a buggy down to the car park the next morning, there was some excitement and when when we got to our car we found that some roaming oryx had wandered through the car park overnight, and seemingly attracted by reflections from moonlight on the cars, had butted them. We had just one dent, but a large 4x4 from South Africa had some serious dents along one side. We took photos and gathered names etc for possible insurance claims. Then we set off to leave Etosha by the Galton Gate. Strictly speaking we had exceeded our time in the park by a few hours but the gate staff assured us that this was not a problem." See all these reviews: 28n in Namibia
"Disappointing Dolomite."
We noted 3 staff relaxing in the residents lounge who were not very happy when we looked in, so we didn't feel welcome there.
The chalets were very hot and airless when we arrived at 4 p.m. when they were in full sun. We were advised not to leave the chalets after dark and to summon a guide by phone to take us to dinner. The telephones in Rooms 3 and 4 (where my sister and her husband were) did not work so we were stranded when we wanted to go to dinner and we had to risk going on our own. No one seemed concerned!
Dinner was a very slow affair with a sullen waitress who didn't smile. When dinner arrived an hour and quarter later, Jen's was embelished with beetles and their larvae which meant she had no main course that night and it put the rest of us off our food!
We only stayed here to gain admittance to the western end of Etosha but the only waterhole worth visiting was the one nearest the camp, all the other waterholes we visited were dry. We wished we had just stayed 2 nights at Okaukuejo." See all these reviews: 17n in Namibia; 2n in Botswana; 2n in Zimbabwe
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