How we use special offers
All our suggested itinerary prices are calculated based on the very latest exchange rates - so you can be sure they are completely up to date.That said, because we have very good relationships with the lodges, hotels and resorts we work with, sometimes we are able to secure special offers and lower prices for them.
We always try to be as competitive as possible, because we know our travellers want the best value for their money. As such, we will include these offers in our quotes when applicable. If you have any queries, do ask us. We know you won't find better value anywhere, and we promise to match the price of any holiday which uses lodges that we feature on a like-for-like basis.
Price offers change frequently, so rather than try to keep pace by constantly updating and re-pricing our sample holiday itineraries, we ask you to bear in mind that some tailor-made trips may cost even less than the examples you see on our website.
Residents' rates
A number of African parks, lodges and camps offer preferential rates, discounts and exclusive offers to residents of their countries, and sometimes to residents of Southern or East Africa.If you live in Africa, we can usually use these for you. To find out more, please get in contact.