Reviews of Etendeka Camp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
117 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Etendeka Camp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

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"Etendeka Mountain Camp review"
The food was excellent, and the exchange of views over dinner, in a small group, was stimulating." See all these reviews: 20n in Namibia
"Etendeka Mountain Camp review"
We were very lucky indeed to see black rhion of two occasions, and also rare desert-adapted elephant on a very steep slope.
Fantastic scenery and Dennis often brings out his telescope and shows you any interesting stars and planets that are out." See all these reviews: 12n in Namibia
"Far from the madding crowd"
The mammal range is impressive - including elephants and black rhinos (another group saw lions as we were on our way to the camp). And the area also has a good bird proposition. That said, some readers may be surprised to learn that the highlight for us was a pair of very habituated elephant shrews warming themselves on the rocks outside our tent of an afternoon!
Even if the mammals and birds were fewer, the area would be well worth a visit simply for the landscape which is truly wild and beautiful.
Dennis is an excellent host at the camp and the new communal area is very well appointed. He is also something of an expert on the night sky, which was totally undisturbed by pollution (anyone for a post-dinner sight of Saturn's rings?!).
All in all, very enjoyable and strongly recommended." See all these reviews: 12n in Namibia
"The real bush camp experience"
Dinner is together with the other guests, which can be very interactive. Food is excellent, certainly if you realise that the closest shop is more than 100 km away!
The morning walk gets you as close as can be to the stunning scenery, Bonnie must be one of the most experienced guides in the country. It is not only about the wildlife, but also about geology, plants and the people of Namibia. Very informative with special attention for the kids.
In the evening, Dennis gets you gazing at the stars through his telescope. We never got closer to the real Namibian wilderness than in Etendeka." See all these reviews: 16n in Namibia
"Etendeka a real camp"
I don't think we would have attempted drive to Etendeka even in 4WD although others did. Lovely setting, wilder, more spartan with "real" tents, outside bathroom etc. Still very comfortable. Bucket showers and emphasis on conserving water.
Very sociable: all ate together and went on drives in 2 vehicles. Friendly knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff led by Dennis and Bonny who are legendary. Very international guests but everyone else spoke English (we are so lazy).
Dennis gave us an astronomy lecture with excellent view of Saturn's rings after supper. Not a place to come if you want a holiday camp with a swimming pool (stay at Palmwag), but we loved it as it was real Namibian wilderness." See all these reviews: 15n in Namibia
"Etendeka Mountain Camp review"
Dennis is a great chap but a bit of an eyore, he has more at Etendeka than he is really willing to use or let on about." See all these reviews: 12n in Namibia
"Etendeka Mountain Camp is awesome"
Dennis breathes Etendeka out of every pore and Ivan is a superb companion in interpreting the area - just don't believe all his tall tales." See all these reviews: 16n in Namibia
"Etendeka is a great wilderness experience"
Just a couple of comments:-
(1) The small jeep is not really adequate to be used on a game drive for six people - it was really most uncomfortable
(2) Having contacted Etendeka ourselves prior to the trip to advise a birthday of one of our party while staying there, they were kind enough to lay on a bottle of celebratory sparkling wine at dinner, but the surprise rather back-fired as the guide let the cat out of the bag by mentioning this on the drive in to the camp, but was muddled up about whose birthday it really was which spoiled the occasion somewhat." See all these reviews: 14n in Namibia
"Close to nature at Etendeka"
That was the only minus point in an excellent three days. We were taken out by Denis Liebenberg himself as he had given his normal guide a few days off. And as entertaining and informative a guide as you could ever wish for. His knowledge of the area is encyclopaedic but even he was surprised to see a group of Eland; an animal had had never seen there in all his twenty years of holding the concession.
The day is organised with a trek in the morning and a drive in the afternoon. One day' stay would be too short, two days just right but if you were there for three days then I think you would probably be repeating the terrain you covered on day one. The area is full of animals and birds including the rare long beaked lark and a walk up the mountain with the ground covered in semi precious minerals and crystals was an eye opener.
Dining is at a long able with other guests including during our time there Denis, his wife and son. It was a time to discuss the day's activities and to learn more about the country and its people. Denis claims that his he only has four day's worth of menus so was a little worried as an English couple,father and daughter, had booked in to spend a week there so he was looking for three more recipes! When you think that his nearest shop is 140 km away he has to make sure that nothing is forgotten on his weekly shopping trip.
Accommodation is extremely comfortable in safari tents with an outside bucket shower and one goes to sleep with the sound of zebra chomping outside or the mournful cry of a distant hyena. On first morning we woke to find that a there had been a leopard kill a few yards from the complex so the second night Denis set a camera trap and the following morning we were treated to images of a large female leopard devouring the hind quartets of a springbok.
I don't think that one could get a better understanding of the geology and wildlife of Northern Damaraland anywhere else." See all these reviews: 18n in Namibia
"Geology and giraffes"
We saw far more animals than I expected, it seemed there was a giraffe behind every bush!
This camp is on my list of 'must re-visit'.
Note for new visitors: As for most desert areas, there is no laundry at this camp due to limited water." See all these reviews: 12n in Namibia
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