Travel reviews by Dr M. from Loughborough
Review Distribution
Total number of trips
Countries visited
Lodges stayed in
Excursions taken
My Feb 2019 trip
Kenya between 3 Feb 2019 and 13 Feb 2019
Standard of all our lodges was very high indeed."
Arranged By Richard Trillo

Laikipia Wilderness
"Laikipia Wilderness review"

1 sighting

5 sightings

1 sighting

1 sighting

Many sightings

1 sighting

Spotted Hyena
1 sighting

1 sighting

Governors' Camp
"Governors Camp review"
Our tented accommodation overlooked the river with an occasional hippo wandering about right below us."

Kicheche Bush Camp
"Kicheche Bush Camp review"
Best photographs of the holiday were taken here on both vehicle and foot safaris.
Attention to detail by the staff was fantastic."

1 sighting

4 sightings

5 sightings

Many sightings

7 sightings

6 sightings

Spotted Hyena
Many sightings

Many sightings

Crowne Plaza Nairobi Airport
"Crowne Plaza Nairobi Airport review"
Convenient for airport in morning."

Safari in Nairobi National Park
"Safari in Nairobi National Park review"
12 Feb 2019 • Afternoon excursion
Driver was excellent.
Excellent experience with one blemish
Namibia and 1 other country between 8 Sep 2017 and 25 Sep 2017
Our entry to Namibia at Windhoek was very disappointing and time consuming. Immigration there had recently introduced new systems to photograph and fingerprint all arrivals. Perhaps teething problems with the new technology and certainly the small number of officers on duty meant it took us two and a half hours from exiting the plane to enter the country, all while standing in a small hot room.
This delay meant we could not arrive at our next destination in time for it's afternoon game drive. Those that had prepaid would have lost our financially as well as in terms of enjoyment."
Arranged By Tom Morris

Okonjima Plains Camp
"Leopard viewing"
The food was excellent as was the choice of wine.
Our morning game drive yielded sightings of two separate leopard, one of which was relaxing in a worn away termite mound."

Okaukuejo Camp
"Feast of rhino"

Namutoni Camp
"Fort abandoned"
Namutoni is well positioned to see a good number of permanent waterhole."

Hakusembe River Lodge
"Kwando river cruise"
There are also interesting views of Angolans, a few yards away on the other bank, going about their daily activities."

Nxamaseri Lodge
"Fishing in the panhandle "
Excellent numbers of birds on view plus crocodile and hippo, and even the odd elephant. Fishing expeditions are also available and anyone can fish with a lure without any previous experience.
Unless you are a fanatical devotee of Bushman art do not go on the one available vehicle journey to nearby hills as the tour of the sight can be disappointing depending on how much of the terrain you are able to traverse. In any event, this trip is an extra and in our view is grossly overpriced."

Lianshulu Lodge
"Lots to do"
Lots of animals and birds to see and exceptionally friendly staff with excellent food and service."

Muchenje Safari Lodge
"Highlight of the trip"
Both are excellent and yield wonderful views of elephant swimming or wading the river, as well as sightings of lions and even more elephant in the park.
We saw 18 lions at one location and 4 more on out twilight journey back to the lodge. Food was terrific."
Zimbabwe trip
Zimbabwe between 4 Sep 2015 and 16 Sep 2015
You will be welcomed wherever you go, especially should you visit any junior schools. More and more lodges are forming partnerships with local people to develop conservancies and concession areas that help to protect wild animals and to provide benefits for local communities."

Amalinda Lodge
"Matobo Hills"
Our guide Kevin was tireless in his efforts to find rhino for us - on one occasion haring up a kopje with his binoculars to try to view any movements from on high. Just before dusk he found a magnificent male white rhino and we were able to approach it on foot within 50 yards. Magical!"

"Lions and elephants"
The 'heartbeat of Hwange' is the drum-drum-drum of diesel powered pumps, but without them in the dry season there would be few animals in the area. At the lodge itself there is no noise only the kind of food that would make the cook a rich man if he were serving it at a restaurant in London!"

Khulu Bush Camp
"Elephants at the pool"
We also saw cheetah, enjoyed excellent sundowners and - on the last day - another very close encounter with a part of the Presidential herd. I have never been so close in a vehicle to such a relaxed group of elephants. Excellent bird life too to view."

Ilala Lodge
"Luxury close to the falls"
It's a trade-off in that you don't see the full majesty of the falls, but you can take clear photographs and you can walk along the length of the falls without getting soaked.
Watch out for the vervet monkeys around the small café near the falls; they'll pinch your crocodile wrap off your plate in an instant!"
Namibian adventures
Namibia between 6 Sep 2013 and 19 Sep 2013
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Make sure whover replaces Gwynneth is at least as good as her!"

Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch
"Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch review"
It's a bit of a slog up the hill through thick sand to the best accommodation if you don't have a 4 by 4."

Canyon Lodge
"Canyon Lodge review"
The canyon is stunning but with hindsight we could have driven ourselves there and saved over $N600 per person which was the price for Canon Lodge to take us there. Without doubt the worst value for money drive I have evr had in Namibia. Drive yourself!"

Zebra River Lodge
"Zebra River Lodge review"
The tours on foot and the sundowner drive were excellent. Louise was very informative and helped to identify any number of lovely birds.
The approach road is so improved, it is unrecognisable from the ordeal it once constituted many years ago. It is a great place to stay a few days."
Louis and Geraldine Fourie are very good hosts. Louis has his own small herd of horses on the property, which I think he may develop for horseback safaris in the future. They often come close to the farmhouse. There is also a tame springbok around the place! Game is not abundant but there is a fair bit, and much of it is now getting used to coming to the newish floodlit waterhole about 100 yards from the main farmhouse. I think tourists would get the most out of this place either on their way up to see much more numerous and impressive animals in Etosha or along the Caprivi, or else using the place as a very relaxing stopover on a longish journey between A and B, as was our case.
If you are a keen walker the place is wonderful and there are both guided and unguided tours. The sundowner drive goes to an impressive hill down the valley but overlooking the farmhouse and accommodation where metal tables and chairs in the middle of nowhere unexpectedly await the customers. Prices for drives, escorted walks, wine, etc, were very good indeed in my view.
In 1997 when I was there for the first time (you [Ed: Chris McIntyre, of Expert Africa] arranged that visit by the way), the then owner took people to Sossusvlei but I am unsure if Louis does this now. The old 5 kms approach road in 1997 was a nightmare but now it is a doddle. Louise knew of the Bushman paintings I had seen in 1997 but does not know where they are. Along with my description of the kind of terrain we traversed to get there, plus some photos I am sending to him, Louis is confident he can pin down the location. If he did, no doubt one escorted walk could end with a viewing of this small collection of paintings.
On the property are also rocks with one and half billion year old stramatolites (?) in them. Louis took my brother and myself there free of charge so we could see them in the dry river bed hes that kind of guy. He often sat with us and described how he made various adjustments to his gun so that he could accurately group shots, how he prepared his own ammunition, the need to let local baboons know who was in charge, the plans he has to grow his own vegetables there for the guests because he is blessed with so much spring water, etc, etc. And how the mountain chat has recently been officially renamed the mountain wheatear! Great stuff.
The accommodation has been extended since 1997 and is more spacious and upmarket than I remember the room in 1997. The ancilliary staff are on the ball too I set foot outside my room on the morning of departure with my case and intended to roll it gently down the path to the car but only took a few steps before a very kind man started to run up the hill to relieve me of such a burden!
Two other guests were speaking of how a lot of dust had inadvertently got into the kind of vehicle they were using and it getting into everything. Louis got one of his staff to clean it out for them in no time at all. Guests ate dinner under candlelights on the balcony of the large farmhouse and took breakfast there. Service was crisp and efficient and the food excellent. Theres a pool, lots of shady places by the farmhouse, and also other water features that attract many different kinds of birds an attraction I especially liked. If Louis didnt know the name of a particular bird hed get the big bird book and find out for you.
There are no spectacular animals there, though the scenery is stunning, but it was a highlight of our holiday in Namibia this time around. I hope this helps.

Cornerstone Guesthouse
"Cornerstone Guesthouse review"
The breakfasts were very good and a decent place to eat in Swakopmund is 'The Jetty' - a restaurant at the end of a pier sticking out into a very cold Atlantic. Excellent Savignon Blanc for only $N75 abottle."

Etendeka Mountain Camp
"Etendeka Mountain Camp review"
We were very lucky indeed to see black rhion of two occasions, and also rare desert-adapted elephant on a very steep slope.
Fantastic scenery and Dennis often brings out his telescope and shows you any interesting stars and planets that are out."

Okaukuejo Camp
"Okaukuejo Camp review"
Shame that they don't do more to keep the jackals out of the place."

Halali Camp
"Halali Camp review"
But, none of it matters when there are so many different kinds of anaimals to see comparatively easily."
My Sep 2012 trip
Namibia and 1 other country between 6 Sep 2012 and 24 Sep 2012
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
The Red Zone is what the people at Muchenje Lodge call the very deep sandy part of their approach road where, almost certainly, a 2-wheel drive car will get stuck! JJ tells us that he is having this bit 'fixed' even as I write, but it might be worth checking. The local workmen who dragged us out in their Landrover said it was always happening with 2-wheel drive cars. Great fun all the same!!"

Okaukuejo Camp
"Okaukuejo Camp review"

Halali Camp
"Halali Camp review"

Hakusembe River Lodge
"Hakusembe Lodge review"
Very good river trip on offer at the camp. Very good service and food in the evening. We were given a family room, which was large and comfortable."

Mazambala Island Lodge, Namibia (this camp has since closed)
"Mazambala Island Lodge review"
Most imaginative layout and excellent atmosphere at the lodge.
We had prepaid for the Horseshoe Lagoon trip only to be told when we arrived that it had left 30 minutes earlier. We got a boat trip instead but we did see literally hundreds of elephants by the side of the river eating the cane leaves, etc. And we got very close too."
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Muchenje Safari Lodge
"Best place of the visit"
it could not be faulted for service, excellence and the range of activities with very knowledgeable, enthusiastic guides. JJ, the manager, even drove us out of the lodge to the main road to avoid the Red Zone - see later."

Kaza Safari Lodge, Namibia (this camp has since closed)
"Good trips on the Chobe and Zambezi"
Some confusion over free house wine and paid for 'chosen' wine, which resulted in an unexpected bill. Probably would not have occurred if Peter and Anna (managers) had not gone away for the day on business and then got stranded away from the island. In the end not a problem"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Ndhovu Safari Lodge
"Good place under canvas"
Good atmosphere in the evenings around the communal dining table. Good gift shop too."

Ghaub Guest Farm
"Quiet location"
Other than that it was a good place in which to relax. Currently, there is no horse riding so walking is about the only other option. Fine for an overnight stay, but no longer."

Okonjima Plains Camp
"Cheetahs on a kill"
There was no room for us at Main Camp so we got an upgrade to Bush Camp!"
A great return
Namibia between 6 Sep 2010 and 19 Sep 2010
Every time I visit Namibia something or someone unexpected turns up such as the sign by the side of the dirt road in the 'middle of nowhere' that said 'Take a break - Teas available round the corner'. Thus it was that we met Philip who had converted an old farmhouse into a B&B and whose place was the only building around for many a mile.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Just one: please get some of the lodges to buy an astronomical telescope - they only cost about ÂŁ200 for a decent one and it would allow guests to benefit from another of Namibia's assets - its night sky.
Gwynneth was absolutely wonderful in arranging this holiday. Many thanks."

Okaukuejo Camp
"Great waterhole"
Dining outside at the restaurant and listening to the Okaukuejo Primary School choir who come to sing and dance there occasionally is also a delight."

Halali Camp
"Improvement at waterhole"
Sekelbos VIP accommodation is simply wonderful, but be aware no one comes to clean it during your stay even though somone will conscientiously empty the ashes from your braii every day."

Okonjima Plains Camp
"New developments"
Seeing cheetahs is always a delight but viewing Mafana, a male leopard, in full view unobstructed by tall grass or bush was marvellous. Excellent food and company at this camp."

Okonjima Bush Camp
"Hyenas and Bushman trail"
As ever, the Bushman trail was very informative and another chance to walk through the bush albeit close to the camp.
Excellent bird-feeding facilities too right outside the view rooms, but watch out for the warthogs that come and eat the lot!"

Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch
"So much game in the Kalahari"
The best accommodation is built on stilts overlooking the desert and there are also a few 'tame' animals around the place, including Skank, a female springbok with a short length of hosepipe covering her horns - just as well since she has a tendency to nut people (playfully) in the groin! Excellent gift shop here which is very good value for money.
Best oryx of the trip was served here!"

Kulala Desert Lodge
"Warm welcome"
Climbing a dune and plunging down the steep side into Dead Vlei was great fun, as was the hot air balloon ride we took from here."

Ballooning in the Namib Desert
"Bballon ride"
17 Sep 2010 • Morning excursion
Met all expectations!
Namibia between 7 Sep 2009 and 17 Sep 2009
One point, I gave a few hitchhikers a lift, but I was unsure if this invalidated my car insurance policy. Perhaps, you mention this in the materials you send but it might be made clearer, even if this may mean that some people will choose not to give lifts in the future, which would be a pity.
Suggestions for improvements:
Yes just one and it is not said in anger. At Okahandja at the largest of the two sets of stalls at either end of the town that sell carvings, trinkets, etc, the level from which one had to bargain was ridiculous. I wanted 4 items of moderate size and value, and the opening price from the young stall holder was $1,200. I eventually left with the goods having paid 450 Namibian dollars, and I'm sure the stall holder wasn't losing money even at that price.
I met two touring couples at a cafe right opposite the site shortly afterwards who asked me about the place. After I told them, they refused to go there! Setting such very high initial prices for items that are frankly not worth the equivalent of ÂŁ100 not only is far too greedy but not even in the interests of the stall holders since I think their attitudes may deter some tourists. In any event, your customers should be warned about what they can expect if they 'go shopping' there."

Okaukuejo Camp
"Wonderful floodlit waterhole"
The accommodation was spotless, cleaned throughly everyday and a good place in which to stay so close to the waterhole. The 'star' of the place is without doubt the waterhiole at night where in total I saw over 16 rhinos! All the staff were unfailingly friendly.
It's also a good advantage to have the post office at this camp."

Halali Camp
"Halali - good location within Etosha"
My accommodation at the camp was on the very edge and I faced scrub and forest, and at night it gave a real feel on being IN the bush! There was a an overnight power loss one evening and while I was out on a night game drive, somone had very kindly placed a candle and a box of matches between my screen and front doors, which was a lovely touch I thought.
I founf Halaii's location better suited to the type and variety of waterholes and other places I wanted to visit, and although I saw rhino and some other animals at its fllodlit waterhole, it is almost inevitable a bit of a disappointment after Okaukuejo. But Halali was good fun and agin all the staff were very friendly."

Okonjima Plains Camp
"Great dining experience"
The room view here was marvellous with a sense of quiet isolation even though the main camp was quite close. The game drives I had here were conducted by a very knowledgeable guide, Peereu, and the whole experience was by turns exciting and relaxing.
The oryx that night at dinner was superb, as were the choice of wines!"

Okonjima Bush Camp
"Attention to detail"
Outside my very comfortable and impressive room was a small water hole for birds, which had been filled, as had the tin box inside which was good quality bird seed. As a result I saw a great many birds of different varieties close up. The game drive here with Richard to see Leopard was also excellent, and on the morning of my departure I was lucky enough to be taken on the Bushman Trail by no less than four guides, each of which had certain knowledge or skills. I thoroughly enjoyed this educative walk in the bush.
After all the driving in Etosha, this was the perfect place to treat myself to a bit of luxury. First class."
Lots of elephants. Sadly no wild dogs as a year or so earlier distemper had killed nearly all of the pack.
Associated advertising should reflect this as we arrived expecting to have an excellent chance of seeing the wild dogs."