Reviews of Ongava Tented Camp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
162 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Ongava Tented Camp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

100% success

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0% success
"A disappointing stay"
We were met by the manager and explained that we were somewhat shaken up by the drive and were worried about leaving again, if the rain should continue. He said that he had not looked at the road. The rain did continue and we mentioned our increasing worries about getting out several times but did not feel that this was taken seriously, or that anyone really cared. We knew that there was no mobile phone reception and that it was not safe to leave our car, if we should get stuck.
On our last day, on returning from a drive with our guide, we found the road being 'made up' using large lumps of stone and a bulldozer which was making the situation worse. On returning for lunch we again asked the manager about the situation and he said that the road would be smoothed over and passible by the evening. At sundowner time we asked him again about the road. He had not been to look! We then said that we would like to get our car down to the main entrance gate straight away, as it was still raining and we were leaving in the morning. He agreed to this but then spent some time radioing for a guide to help us, until we pointed out that it was now practically dark and he decided to follow us in a Land Rover himself.
We were bogged down in mud several times but just managed, with much spinning of wheels and stalling, to get to the gate, in the dark. We went back in the Land Rover. The first course at dinner had been served but none kept for us. We got away in the morning by joining a drive, although this meant early rising and checking out at 7 but no other alternative at a more reasonable hour, for getting to the gate was offered.
For 2 of our 3 nights, we were the only guests, so staff were not busy. It would have been possible for arrangements to take our car to the gate to have been made much earlier, without our having to insist on some help and to have ended up negociating mud in the dark. By our third night, other guests had arrived, some of whom shared our concern about the access arrangments. We were told that we could stay on longer, if unable to leave, or be towed out of mud but neithor of these options appealed to us! There were other things too. Rain that blew into the bar area, creating a small flood, never seemed to be mopped up, so that guests were paddling to get from here to the eating area. Sandy footprints from the night before were not swept up in the dining area at breakfast time.
The camp itself and the tents were beautiful. It had been particularly recommended to us by our daughter, who stayed a few years ago, when it was under different management. None of the above problems would have appeared had it not rained. However, this was not good service and showed no apparent concern for guests' well being. The whole situation could have been made acceptable with some effort on the part of the manager - possibly the car could have been returned to the main gate straight away following our arrival.
We'd love to go back but would need to be sure that the management was of the previous standard. It was a real disappointment, as we'd been looking forward to our stay here so much and it was our longest stay in one place. The guide, Barnabus, was excellent but told us he was leaving for another job very shortly. In spite of the weather, he twice found lions for us to see and clearly went to great trouble to make our stay interesting, in spite of the weather.
Incidently, unlike at other Wilderness Camps, we were not asked to fill in an evaluation form. This was in fact, as relief, as it would have been an embarrassment and we preferred to leave on civil terms with the manager." See all these reviews: 11n in Namibia
"Fantastic Ongava"
The waterhole is amazing. Only 30feet from the lounge and very well patronised throughout the day. Our first night a black AND a white rhino came to drink AT THE SAME TIME resulting in a little tussle over the 'right to drink'! (the white rhino won through sheer bulk). The second night two lions came to drink.
The rooms were beautiful with an inside and an outside shower. The food was excellent." See all these reviews: 11n in Namibia
"Ongava Tented Camp review"
Cameron and Wendy were the epitomy of excellence in terms of making people feel welcome and at home.
We do not enjoy communal dining at all but they made it warm, welcoming and enjoyable! These comments must go back to them please! The fact that they see you off in the morning, welcome you back from trips, ask you how it went etc.. all fantastic! Alfonso the assistant Manager who we met on the 2nd day also fantastic. They were the absolute BEST when it came to giving the place a feeling, no one had it down to a tee like they did!
Lovely tents - fantastic
Washing done - fantastic
Great great staff!
Really great feel, great welcome ... absolutely full marks!
Even though we didn't see the Rhino's! Have to say though I did not feel safe on the Rhino trekking and with our guide saying we were 50/50 lucky because the lions were near..... not so good!
On the whole Ongava had it down to perfection!
Best homecooked food out of everywhere too!" See all these reviews: 15n in Namibia
"Ongava Tented Camp review"
"Ongava Tented Camp review"
"A real bush experience"
Accommodation and meals way better than could be expected in such a location. Very welcoming and great flexibility with activities to ensure we got the maximum out of our stay. Camp 'security was very tight after recent visit by lions!
The 'one big happy family' eating arrangements are not a guarantee for success, especially with a well established larger group of rather loud Americans in residence. However, overall, we loved this place." See all these reviews: 7n in Namibia
"Ongava Tented Camp review"
The activity into Etosha NP involved a long drive into the park in an open vehicle with very little to see.
For visitors planning to visit Etosha independently we would recommend that any guests restrict their activities to Ongava reserve - the waterhole is something else!" See all these reviews: 11n in Namibia; 6n in Botswana; 1n in Zambia
We only spent one night here (mainly because of the cost) but really wished we had spent the chunk of money elsewhere on cheaper accommodation that would have been far superior in every way. Meals were adequate and again, were not of the high standard that had been presented everywhere else. There was a lack of explanation as to how the morning game drive into Etosha was to operate and this left us with a feeling of being rushed to leave.
In hindsight we wished we had spent the morning relaxing at the camp's waterhole as our guide did not have access to any private areas of the park and was restricted to the public roads. We were never made to feel at home here and felt that the camp simply did not deliver what would be expected at an establishment with such a high price." See all these reviews: 11n in Namibia
"Ongava Tented Camp review"
"Contented at Ongava Tented"
This was the only camp we visited where the guard who accompanied us to our tent after dinner was armed.
This was one of our favorite places during our month in Africa. But if forced to find a fault, I'd claim that sometimes it was difficult to recognize the vegetables in the thick sauces." See all these reviews: 9n in Namibia; 9n in Botswana; 5n in Zambia
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