Reviews of Mwaleshi Camp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
67 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Mwaleshi Camp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

71% success

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This was definitely the highlight of our trip.
If anything, I wish we'd stayed here at the end, because it was hard to compare everything else to Mwaleshi's remoteness, service and comfort." See all these reviews: 7n in Zambia; 3n in Zimbabwe

10 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings

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5 sightings

2 sightings
"Mwaleshi Camp review"
"Our favourite place"
It is wonderful for walking and tracking and the guiding was FANTASTIC" See all these reviews: 14n in Zambia
"Doesn't get better than this"
Stunning scenery, fantastic sightings (especially lion and buffalo), top guiding by Brent Harris and a superb, friendly camp in one of the remotest places in Africa means that, in my book at least, it doesn't get much better than this.
I recognise it is not for everyone, however: guests should be aware that game is more dispersed than in the South, for example, and I would recommend a reasonable level of fitness to get the most out of the experience. One thing's for sure: I'll be back." See all these reviews: 9n in Zambia
"Wonderful location"
The camp is perfect. Lovely location, good accommodation, excellent food and brilliant guiding. The ability to have a splash in the Mwaleshi river after a morning walk is a big bonus.
However, we have been spoiled on our previous trips in that all our game walks have been alone or with two other people and, unfortunately for us, the camp was full for the whole 6 days we were there and so our walks were with 4 other people, which we did not enjoy. I found being at the back of a group of 6 deeply frustrating because you knew that if the guide saw something interesting, it would be long gone before you had a chance to see it and you weren't able to ask questions till the group stopped. Fortunately (for us), one couple were getting tired of walking and missed a couple of walks and so we were able to have 2 good walks when there were only 4 of us.
This problem only arises at walking camps where walking is the only activity. For example, at Tafika, if 6 people wanted to walk we could have chosen to drive and at Musekese, with 3 guides to 8 people (and 3 activities) it is unlikely ever to happen.
Other people may be happy to walk in a group of 6 (and I understand there are sometimes 8 at other camps) but I would not go to a walking camp again unless I could guarantee walking for 4 or less - either by having a private guide or paying for 2 rooms. (Tafika guarantees a maximum of 4 per vehicle but I think a maximum of 4 is just as important for walking).
I discussed this with John when we returned to Tafika and explained that it is not a criticism of Mwaleshi, it is simply our preference, now, having been so spoilt on previous walks." See all these reviews: 18n in Zambia
"remote and please keep it so"
But worth it as lots of lion, buffalo and elephant activity. We were alone for all 5 days which meant we had Brent Harris as a personal guide. He is deeply experienced across the world so fascinating to talk with. His approach to guiding is different from others - he is more interested in how the bush works as an integrated whole and less on listing every tree, bush, animal we see. This is a deeper approach and conservation came the main topic which we liked. So we tracked lions often and close, spent time just watching, took care with elephants (once after swiftest move to behind a tree and lots of shouting), and loved every moment.
Note that a couple from Australia had so much luggage the plane could not take 4 of us and the top-up food supply to Mwaleshi.
They should have been told by their agent, or were just stupid!
We hear the Rhino Sanctuary, with 32 now, will extend in 2016 to include Mwaleshi." See all these reviews: 13n in Zambia
"a diamond in the rough"
The camp is more basic than Tafika, but when you think that everything (up to the ice cubes) has to be flown in, it is a logistical tour de force, and if you want to stay at a place with air con and swimming pool,....well it's not for you." See all these reviews: 10n in Zambia
"Amazing place"
I was incredibly fortunate with my sightings, including what Special (the long-time spotter with very special eyes) said was his best walk ever: a morning with leopards, lions and wild dogs, all at very close quarters. Brent is a superb guide, and wonderful company besides.
The camp itself is simple but perfect, with delicious food and the luxury of hot showers in the evening.
Sadly, the riverbed was completely dry already, so there was no afternoon swimming in the Luangwa this time! In short, I can't recommend it enough." See all these reviews: 11n in Zambia
"Mwaleshi Camp review"
The walking and guiding was exceptional. Brent has unrivalled knowledge and passion of the flora and fauna and of the local environment particularly, taking our understanding to another level. Safety was paramount demonstrated by Special's instinctive move to place himself between us and a threatening elephant.
Wildlife encounters were great and leaving after 4 special days was quite emotional" See all these reviews: 12n in Zambia
"Walking the North Luangwa Park"
However, for those who A) Have been on safari a few times and are interested in something beyond "game drives," B) Want to get off the beaten track, C) Want to get as close to the bush as possible, with a high degree of comfort, and D) Enjoy walking, Mwaleshi is a FANTASTIC option!
The experience from walking at ground level is very different from sitting in a Land Rover and driving around looking for game. It is much more exciting, even if you don't spot the "Big Five." We did some terrific walks (none were what I would describe as "overly taxing"), and were able to really learn a great deal about the bush. We also had some amazing wildlife sightings, including huge herds of buffalo, elephants at close range, Cooksons wildebeest, crocodiles and hippos, and the best honey badger sighting I've experienced yet. We tracked lions for close to five kilometers one day, but never did get to see them....
The camp itself is laid out with the bush huts in a row on the bank of the Mwaleshi River. The accommodations are comfortable and attractive. A bowl of hot water is provided in the morning and buckets of hot water for showers are placed in the tank in the afternoon; if you wish additional hot water it is never a problem, as the staff is always willing to provide for you. The lounge and dining area is well-designed and also overlooks the river. Staff is experienced and friendly. Catering is fantastic; they follow the same menu as the "mother camp" Tafika and the meals are, along with that camp, the best I've had on safari.
Quality of guiding was extremely good. My only point of contention is that there is only one guide at Mwaleshi. This means that all of the guests in camp must agree on and participate in the same activity. If you have strong walkers and not-so-strong walkers (which, unfortunately, was the case while I was in camp), the group must tailor the walk to accommodate the needs of the weakest walker. This is a bit of a problem, in my book...." See all these reviews: 18n in Zambia
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