Reviews of Pioneer Camp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
145 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Pioneer Camp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa
"A great way to spend the last evening in Zamb"
Aagain I was treated royally and helped in every way even to providing me with an escort to my chalet and a candle when the lights went out" See all these reviews: 7n in Zambia
"Pioneer Camp review"
"Pioneer Camp review"
Good food - enormous steaks
Very obliging service" See all these reviews: 10n in Zambia
"A handy place to overnight."
Getting between the bar/eating complex and the rooms was very difficult due to the state of the rough stone tracks and was positvely dangerous in the dark, just asking for somebody to turn an ankle on loose stones and cobbles. It was also difficult to find particular huts in the dark, and one of us wandered around in confusion fruitlessly visiting one cabin after another. There were lamps, which we think were solar powered, but they were spaced far apart, and either not working at all or so dim as to be almost useless.
A good international hotel might have been a better choice, but given that the international hotels in Lusaka do not seem to be good, from what we have read, I think the Pioneer Camp was perhaps a better end to a safari but we ourselves would not want to go there again until the tracks have been made safe to walk on." See all these reviews: 14n in Zambia
"Pioneer Camp review"
The compound has a number of chalets and camp sites around a central bar/restaurant and inevitably was going to be something of a disappointment after staying in small camps in the National Parks. Our chalet was fairly basic with tired bedding but clean enough.
Excellent steak dinner. Breakfast a little disorganised in the early morning. before departure. Pick-up and drop-offs at the airport were completely hassle-free. I don't know what the cost was per night so it may be good value but I can see the only reason to stay would be for easy access to the Airport or as a short stop-over." See all these reviews: 11n in Zambia
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