Reviews of Pole Pole
Wildlife sightings and reviews
103 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Pole Pole and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa
"So relaxing!"
It was so relaxing - we spent lots of time on our balcony just gazing at the sea and doing not a lot. We also went snorkeling and saw lots of amazing underwater life.
Strongly recommended." See all these reviews: 13n in Tanzania
"Wonderfully relaxing and laid back hotel"
Fabulous rooms and wonderful pool
Great location and food
Loved the excursions
Very peaceful and relaxing" See all these reviews: 14n in Tanzania
"Great choice for last stop"
On my five nights there I was the only guest on two and one of 3-5 on others. The staff were great , Paula and Mleica in particular. The free excursions were good, sunset cruise in a dhow and a trip to Chole Island also by dhow
I also made 5 scuba dives with the adjacent dive centre Mafia Diving out on the reefs . All were excellent on pristine coral with much to see. Transport again by outboard and sail in a dhow
If I hadn’t done the diving I think I would have been disappointed by the Pole Pole beach and large tides which render the beach submerged for much of the day
My hut was great No5, clean, good fan and excellent bathroom and also near the pool and massage areas which I used. I would return but probably choose a busier time for as a solo traveller company and atmosphere in the evening is importent" See all these reviews: 12n in Tanzania
"Peaceful Retreat"
The rooms are built from wood and palm leaves and blend into the scenery, so it is almost hidden . A real hideaway. I loved the sundowner trip on the old wooden Dhow....very special to see the sunset from a boat. The staff were very helpful too. If I had to make a very small lodge seemed to have a family of resident squirrels which I could hear running around in the roof all night. Actually, it was quite sweet to see them, but they were very noisy at night.
A lovely place to stay right by the sea." See all these reviews: 10n in Tanzania; 2n in Zanzibar
"Fantastic resort"
Species seen.
Zebra fish, Parrot fish, Unicorn fish, Angel fish and various other fish and jellyfish during the snorkelling.
Birds included Black Kites, African Paradise Flycatchers, Southern Flycatchers, Pied Kingfisher and African Fish Eagle." See all these reviews: 6n in Tanzania
"Pole Pole review"
"Great relaxation at Pole Pole"
The grounds were excellent but swimming in the sea not really viable due to lack of depth.
Representative from the local dive centre visited every evening at 7 pm to advise on potential activities in the following day. We went to see turtles hatching on another island and also visited two villages on tours, just ourselves and a guide... most interesting." See all these reviews: 13n in Tanzania
"Pole Pole review"
The food was plentiful and what was really good was the system of choosing what you wanted to eat for lunch and dinner at breakfast time as it meant you were not automatically served four courses if you only wanted two. The english of the staff is a bit patchy and I had made the mistake of saying that I would eat fish. At home I stick to a predominantly vegetarian diet but will eat fish if it makes someone's life easier. The staff at pole pole interpreted this as being that I would eat fish for every course, other then dessert, at lunch and dinner each day. When I said I didn't want to eat fish every day and could I see a vegetarian menu they said there wasn't one. I did speak to the customer relations manager to say I didn't think they had understood that I wanted to eat vegetarian food and could he just make sure that the restaurant staff knew, but again this was lost in translation and there was no supper for me the first evening. I stuck to my guns and they gave me some curried vegetables but thereafter I was offered vegetarian food.
Against this, however, they were incredibly helpful and went out and bought flipflops for my husband as he had forgotten to bring his - so I am sure the mix up was a language issue.
There is good diving as it is set in the Marine Park and is a good base if you don't want to be surrounded by too many people." See all these reviews: 18n in Tanzania
"The best service Ever!"
"POle POle"
It is really very hot there. Fans do help but it is hot at night without air con.
The whale shark tour is marvellous. Whilst we were there two Americans refused to sign the liability waiver and were refused access to the tour. It was illegible but our view on these things is that you have to decide for yourself if the trip is something you want to do and if you are happy with the activities planned. Those waivers are not worth the paper they are written on! There was some bad feeling I think about the South African chap who owns outfit and a nearby hotel.
Snorkelling is really very very good." See all these reviews: 13n in Tanzania
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