Reviews of Central Lodge
Wildlife sightings and reviews
61 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Central Lodge and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa
"Central Lodge review"
"Central Lodge review"
"One night stopover."
During the day while driving down from Bagatelle, we visited Quiver Tree Forest, Giants Playground which are well worth a visit. Fish River on the way to Brukkaros was dry and no birds could be spoted." See all these reviews: 19n in Namibia
"Central Lodge at Keetmanshoop"
We also enjoyed going to Naute Dam after leaving the next morning. Spent a quiet morning there with refreshments supplied by pleasant English couple - great way to spend the Sunday morning." See all these reviews: 12n in South Africa; 5n in Namibia
"Central Lodge Review"
In particular we went to the Quiver Tree forest just before sunset and the Giant's Playground both of which were well worth the short trip. Very atmospheric (if not a little spooky).
We were lucky in that when we went to the farm office to pay we were told the cheetahs were being fed. We did not know there were rescued cheetahs on the farm, it is only mentioned in the Bradt guide under the accommodation section that we had not read. We were treated to the spectacle of two fully grown cheetahs enjoying their rock dassies for dinner from a distance of about six feet. The young lad who showed us round was obviously proud of them and very willing to talk about them and the farm" See all these reviews: 15n in Namibia
"A passable stop-over"
The younger receptionist treated us to icy indifference for the rest of our stay, as though her loss of face was our fault." See all these reviews: 18n in Namibia; 6n in Botswana; 2n in Zambia
"Stopover at Central Lodge"
"Central Lodge review"
Breakfast was of a much poorer standard to the Rivendell guesthouse. Evening meal was eaten at the hotel and was very nice and service was also good, so overall pretty happy with the place but nothing was exceptional about it." See all these reviews: 18n in Namibia
"Central Lodge review"
"Central Lodge Keetmanshoop"
Border crossing formalities were uneventful.
At the hotel we had another nice comfortable and quiet room off the courtyard. Also enjoyed a very good meal in the restaurant with an equally good wine!
We then made an early start the following morning and drove up to Brukkaros and were able to drive almost to the rim of the "pseudo" volcano which was something we were keen to do." See all these reviews: 11n in South Africa; 3n in Namibia
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