Reviews of Mchenja Bushcamp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
71 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Mchenja Bushcamp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

100% success

100% success

40% success

100% success

100% success

100% success

94% success

94% success

93% success

63% success

20% success

8% success

0% success

0% success

0% success
"Mchenja was luxury in a tent"
Our tent even had a bath in it and our bathroom was open to the sky and shared with many tiny frogs which was great fun we found one sitting on the handle of the toilet.
The food was wonderful and the company very friendly. The staff joined us for meals and we enjoyed chatting about our experiences and hearing about everyones day and what they had seen. Our guide Levy was very experienced and we were thrilled that whilst walking we were able to get very close to a giraffe." See all these reviews: 10n in Zambia
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