Reviews of safaris to North Luangwa National Park
75 holiday reviews from our travellers of holidays which include North Luangwa.
"Kafue and North Luangwa : an advisable recipe"
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Give Kafue a chance …." Read full review: 12 nights in Africa; 10 on a Zambia safari
"Surpassed our expectations"
The staff, guides and scouts are highly trained and knowledgeable. They are also entertaining and, as far as the guides and scouts are concerned, fill one with confidence when, for example, out on a walking safari or when confronted by elephants as we were on several occasions.
The camps are small (maximum of six chalets) and we were often the only two people in a jeep with a guide and a scout, which is very spoiling.
All being well, we will be returning to South and North Luangwa in the next year or two and in the meantime will have to rely on our memories of this magical country." Read full review: 15 nights in Africa; 13 on a Zambia safari
"Zambia trip"
"Safari in Zambia"
We particularly enjoyed the small camps, especially when their atmosphere is informal. We were very happy at Kutali to see Luke speaking Nyanja with the staff.
We are uncomfortable with the post-colonial formality and unnecessary sophistication of food and lodging in wilderness situations; to us they feel like a perpetuation of psychological exploitation. But we love the skill and enthusiasm of the guides and the observation of all features of the environment.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
I used the website and Bradt books a great deal in research." Read full review: 20 nights in Africa; 19 on a Zambia safari
"Botswana/Zambia 2019"
"Wonderful experience "
"Zambia never disappoints"
Kafue and the Luangwa valley was an excellent combination due to the diversity of landscapes, animals and birds that it provided." Read full review: 15 nights in Africa; 13 on a Zambia safari
"A fantastic holiday - many thanks"
"Trip of a lifetime - but hopefully not!"
From the moment we got off the plane in Lusaka, and were met by a driver, to the moment we were dropped back at Victoria Falls airport on our last day, the trip exceeded our expectations.
With the number of connections, hotels, drivers, activities etc that we built in, we were expecting complications and disasters, but every single thing happened smoothly, exactly as we were told it would.
We can't thank Lucy enough!!
Given the overall trip, we would return to Mwaleshi and Tafika. We probably wouldn't return to Davisons Camp or to Victoria Falls.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Everything went really well. We were very happy.
Thank you so much for everything you did.
We can't recommend your services highly enough!" Read full review: 17 nights in Africa; 7 on a Zambia safari
"Aug 2018"
We needed a transfer from the local airport to Mumbo Camp and for this were presented by EA with an invoice for about £600. I queried this and got a response fro EA that I found both patronising and condescending. It transpires that EA does not supply the transfers and knew very little about them. Apparently, it goes through a whole load of intermediaries who all seem to add a slice. You are much better going direct.
In the end I used a local taxi firm and did the transfers for about £100 from Andrew at Anake Taxi, Excellent firm, use them if you need a taxi in Malawi, we found him safe and so ignore the scare stories.
So the EA website is great but the level of support knowledge and expertise I found to be a long way below "expert" as I think I managed to do a better job myself.
I have been on many safaris over many years and used agencies before but found EA to be the least useful of any to date.
I will book with the camps directly in future or with a different agency." Read full review: 4 nights in Africa; 2 on a Zambia safari

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