Travel reviews by Barnes from Hampshire
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My Sep 2024 trip
Namibia between 3 Sep 2024 and 25 Sep 2024
We were 2 couples with a vehicle per couple so every night we were delighted to see each other again!
It was incredibly reassuring knowing Expert Africa had our backs - and we did need their help and expertise while there, so were very grateful for it."
Arranged By Tom Morris

Weinberg Hotel
"Weinberg Hotel review"

Hilton Hotel Windhoek (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"Hilton Hotel Windhoek review"
It was fine but very expensive and not as attractive/comfortable/personal as the Weinberg. The cost may have been because it was a last minute booking."
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Desert Camp
"Desert Camp review"
We loved our simple accommodation with really fabulous views to all sides, and the peace and quiet. Also the swimming pool, which was a joy after the long journey from Windhoek.
Eating, information and assistance at the main lodge were all excellent."

The Stiltz
"The Stiltz review"
A great location for rooms literally on stilts as most rooms have views of the sea as Stiltz is on the edge of Swakopmund (within easy reach of restaurants and bars), by the sea and over an area of vegetation where the local camels are brought to feed. A lovely sight; camels and flamingoes together.
We did a great trip to the protected coastal dunes from here (towards Sandwich Harbour) which we had pre booked. Highly recommended."

Camp Kipwe
"Camp Kipwe review"
The incredible views, the peace and quiet, the fabulous rooms built on and into the boulders, the excellent service, the sundowner at the top of the Kipwe kopje and the trip to Twyflfontein to see the ancient rock etchings.
The only criticism I’d make is that Namibia is a) always a very arid country and b) suffering a terrible drought right now. We don’t understand why there is fresh linen table cloths etc on the tables every night at Camp Kipwe. It must take huge amounts of water to launder this. Surely even the most discerning of guests would support the use of much less water to provide for their comfort?"

Palmwag Lodge
"Palmwag Lodge review"
Having said that, it’s location right by the riverbed was excellent and we saw around 8 desert elephants including babies drinking and eating about 75 from our room verandah. We also had a lovely relaxing day enjoying one of the swimming pools before going on our truly wonderful prebooked camping night in the enormous Palmag concession area with Rodney and Ziggy.
This was definitely one of the highlights of our trip. We saw some amazing scenery, learnt a lot about a lot and really enjoyed the very comfortable camp in tents - with beds in what felt like our own wilderness. Sundowners, supper and breakfast all organised and served by the excellent Rodney and Ziggy. Highly recommended."

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Palmwag Sleep-out
"Palmwag Sleep-out review"
Rodney and Ziggy (cousins or nephew and uncle; we couldn’t make out which) were our guides and very knowledgeable, very good company and extremely good hosts. The journey to the camp was very bumpy! but wonderfully interesting and we had a lovely sundowner on a kopje with fabulous views en route to our camp.
A braai supper, then cooked breakfast were organised and served by Rodney and Ziggy and we all (4 of us; two couples) had a very good and memorable time. Don’t book this if you’re after high end luxury. This is camping (with beds and a chemical loo plus great guides).
We loved it."

1 sighting

Many sightings

1 sighting

Ongava Lodge
"Ongava Lodge review"
Set on a kopje overlooking its own enormous game park bordering Etosha, it has fabulous views, great staff, a swimming pool with great views and dassies in the surrounding rocks (that drink from the pool when no one is swimming) and it’s own incredible water hole."

Black Rhino
Many sightings

Many sightings

Roan antelope
Many sightings

Many sightings

Mushara Bush Camp
"Mushara Bush Camp review"
It’s on flat land so no views but it gave us a different experience which was very good.
Lovely staff, a great pool (with lots of bird life) for reading by, swimming and chilling and easy access to Etosha.
The tents were very comfortable and well thought out, with fridges, fans and everything we needed."

Black Rhino
Many sightings

Brown Hyena
1 sighting

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Roan antelope
Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Weinberg Hotel
Lovely rooms, very helpful staff and near at least one lively restaurant."