Reviews of Hoanib Valley Camp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
12 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Hoanib Valley Camp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

44% success

0% success

0% success

100% success

100% success

57% success

44% success

25% success

11% success

0% success

0% success

0% success
"Hoanib Valley Camp review"
"Hoanib Valley"
My biggest complaint was the 2 hour drive from the airstrip. I was not aware that the drive was so long - it may have been mentioned, but it really needs to be made 100% clear that the airstrip os 60km bad road (almost not a road in parts!)
Also you should have made clear to me that the drive from HVC to Shipwreck takes the same time and the flight do the the 2 hour transfers each end. Please make sure any future clients are told that the drive from HVC to SL is one of the most amazing drives you can ever do. We learned tis from other guests and felt that we had seriously missed out. The flight is only 25 mins but you spend 4 hours transferring to and from airstrips each end. Although I was offered the drive option by Sabina - it was not made clear to me that we were only saving about 1 hour in the car by flying." See all these reviews: 11n in Namibia

3 sightings

8 sightings

1 sighting

8 sightings
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