Location map for Ciela Resort
Take a close look at the location of Ciela Resort and Spa in Zambia to see what's around it.
Zoom out to put it in perspective, and see the areas around it.
Navigating around this Ciela Resort map
Mouse-over a pin to see its name.
Click on a pin to open a bubble with more information.
Lodges & camps have their names hyperlinked to pages with more info.
Orange pins indicate camps and lodges in the same country;
Yellow pins show lodges and camps in other countries.
Grey pins highlight a few locations of note;
Purple pins indicate points of interest.
Drag-and-drop to move the map.
Use (+) and (-) to zoom in & out.
Holiday styles & special interests in Zambia
From birdwatching breaks to walking holidays, find great ideas for your trip in Zambia.