Travel reviews by Ms A. from USA
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My Jul 2023 trip
Kenya between 2 Jul 2023 and 19 Jul 2023
I would definitely travel with EA again in the future, and would highly recommend it to friends.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Not really; I found Expert Africa a great company to work with."
Arranged By Richard Trillo

Nairobi Giraffe Centre visit
"Nairobi Giraffe Centre visit review"
8 Jul 2023 • All-day excursion

Nairobi Elephant Orphanage visit
"Nairobi Elephant Orphanage visit review"
8 Jul 2023 • All-day excursion
The baby elephants and the poor little rhino were amazing to see, and the informational presentation about them was very good.

Kicheche Mara
"Kicheche Mara review"
I was sick for the first full day of my stay, which could have made for a terrible experience. The lovely location and staff meant that the stay was still a pleasure, and once I was able to venture out, the animals in the area were outstanding.
In addition to the animals listed in the wildlife survey, I saw lots of jackals, funny vervet monkeys, and excellent birds including a lilac-breasted roller."

5 sightings

4 sightings

3 sightings

2 sightings

1 sighting

Spotted Hyena
2 sightings

3 sightings

4 sightings

Kicheche Bush Camp
"Kicheche Bush Camp review"
Along with the animals listed in the wildlife survey, I saw excellent birds, baboons, a serval, crocodiles, two kinds of mongoose (banded and dwarf), and a blue headed tree agama.
My tent was spacious and generally comfortable, but suffered in comparison to the brand-new tents at our previous stop, primarily because the floor was very lumpy. I also noticed some insects inside the tent, specifically a few cockroaches and fair number of ants, in the front section facing the little yard. But it was still very nice overall - and I loved the little yard and hammock!
On the grounds, along the paths, I noticed what I thought were some kinds of insect eggs on tall stalks of grass. I take lots of macro photos, and after getting home and looking through my pictures from Bush Camp, it was clear that what looked like eggs were actually clumps made up of thousands of baby ticks.
I was never actually bothered by ticks during my stay, but they can be disease vectors (specifically, for tick bite fever). So, I would suggest removing these for the safety of staff and guests. The easiest approach would be to cut the (relatively few) affected stalks of grass and drop them in a mild pesticide solution. I am glad to provide photos of the ticks if it would be helpful."

10+ sightings

2 sightings

8 sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

5 sightings

Spotted Hyena
10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Kicheche Valley
"Kicheche Valley review"
My tent was fantastic - the best of the trip - with hard floors, a nice open view, and even a (temperamental but great when it came on) ceiling fan. The shower was also especially hot and nice.
The meal/lounge space at Valley Camp was especially nice, and as a solo woman traveler, it was great to meet several female staff members. Having said that, all of the staff and guides were excellent."

5 sightings

3 sightings

2 sightings

5 sightings

6 sightings

8 sightings

2 sightings

4 sightings

Spotted Hyena
5 sightings

2 sightings

4 sightings

The Emakoko
"The Emakoko review"
While I did not see any of the animals from the wildlife survey during my day at The Emakoko, I did see a couple of very cute Sykes' monkeys, lots of hyrax, and some nice birds. I also saw several black rhinos in Nairobi National Park, on the side near the main gate."
The young woman who showed us around and presented information about giraffes at the end of our visit was very engaging.