Travel reviews by A & B from Corrales
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My Jul 2023 trip
Kenya between 2 Jul 2023 and 19 Jul 2023
Arranged By Richard Trillo

Nairobi Giraffe Centre visit
"Nairobi Giraffe Centre visit review"
8 Jul 2023 • All-day excursion

Nairobi Elephant Orphanage visit
"Nairobi Elephant Orphanage visit review"
8 Jul 2023 • All-day excursion

Kicheche Mara
"Kicheche Mara with NJ Wight review"
Something that made our time at Kicheche Mara extra special was a complete surprise. NJ had let them know that we were celebrating our 39th anniversary, so they arranged a private dinner for us. When we returned from the evening game drive, we were escorted to our tent. There we found the patio to our tent had been transformed. There were luminarias going up the steps and along the edge of the patio, a candlelit table with tablecloth, flowers, and a chilled bottle of sparkling wine. Our waitress served a superb meal (the butternut squash ravioli was amazing!). We sipped our sparkling wine while looking out at the fireflies, hearing the bell frogs and the quiet munching and rustlings of the elephants as they ate their dinner. Magic indeed.
But despite the amazingly high quality of every aspect of the camp, the heart and soul of this experience came from our guides. Saruni and David have a passion for the Mara that comes through in everything they do. Their knowledge of the wildlife, the land, and the people truly enriched our safari experience. Somehow they managed to keep up their energy, enthusiasm, and sense of humor for every ride. I was sorry to say goodbye to these two men."

10+ sightings

2 sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Spotted Hyena
10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Kicheche Bush Camp
"Kicheche Bush Camp with NJ Wight review"
And once again, our guides were exemplary. Patrick and Charles were able to find wildlife where I saw only scrub or rocks. They were able to tell us about every type of animal we saw, and in the case of some leopards and lions, the specifics of that individual. Patrick has a vivid and creative way of describing some things, which will stay with me always. One was his description of an old Cape buffalo as "a retired brigadier general". The other compared prey animals sensing a predator to townsfolk expecting the Government Inspector (which was a short story he read as young boy). I thought that was perfect. Both Patrick and Charles have a passion for what they do, and that comes through in their interactions with their many guests."

10+ sightings

2 sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Many sightings

1 sighting

10+ sightings

Spotted Hyena
10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Kicheche Valley
"Kicheche Valley with NJ Wight review"
One of the special things about this camp was the chance to go on a night drive. With a spotter armed with a red light, Johnson took us on a drive around the conservancy, pointing out the nocturnal activity of the animals. We were able to watch a bush baby going from tree to tree - it even looked right at us, showing its cute big eyes and round ears. We also saw black backed jackals, spotted hyenas heading out for the night, bat-eared foxes, white tailed mongoose, bush hares, spring hares, and one lonely lion.
I'm going to sound like a broken record here, but our guides Mika and Johnson were key to making this safari the amazing experience that it was. As with our other guides, both men have a depth of knowledge about the conservancy and its place in the ecosystem. They also were able to share information on individual leopards as well as lions - cubs' approximate ages, the relationships between lionesses, the changing hierarchy of the prides were we're watching. They got us into prime photography position (even though NJ was the only pro). They never left until they were sure we were ready. And it seemed that of the three camps, this one had the most challenging terrain or the trucks. Mika and Johnson navigated their way through all kinds of driving conditions without a problem. One memory that stands out for me is the time we spent watching a pride of around 14 lions (3 lionesses and the rest sub-adults) as the walked through the waving golden grass. Johnson kept patiently getting us into position to watch them as they made their way across the hills. Besides the skill and knowledge they showed, Both Johnson and Mika shared a joy in their work and a great sense of humor (a critical skill when part of your job is finding appropriate places for your guests to 'pick the flowers')."

10+ sightings

2 sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

1 sighting

10+ sightings

Spotted Hyena
10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

The Emakoko
"The Emakoko review"

4 sightings

3 sightings

Spotted Hyena
4 sightings

White Rhino
5 sightings

6 sightings

8 sightings