Travel reviews by Mr & Mrs AH from York
Review Distribution
Total number of trips
Countries visited
Lodges stayed in
Excursions taken
Wonderful holiday
South Africa between 26 Jan 2016 and 16 Feb 2016
Our 3 weeks has given us a taste of the country and we highly recommend to others. We thought our previous trip arranged by yourselves to Namibia could not be equalled but you proved us wrong. Many thanks AGAIN."
Arranged By Claire Scott

Acorn House
"Excellent position - very helpful staff"

La Petite Ferme
"Best place we visited"

Mimosa Lodge (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"A mixed bag - food excellent"
Part of the problem was that our information from Expert Africa showed rooms which according to the hotel were not the quality we had "paid for" so we felt partly misled by our information from yourselves.
Initially the staff at Mimosa Lodge appeared not to listen to our comments but after 30 minutes reacted well to sort out the problem.
We ate our evening meals in the hotel and the food was "fabulous"."
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Oulap Country House, South Africa (this camp has since closed)
"Highly recommended"
Full of interesting things to see and very welcoming hosts."
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Hog Hollow Country Lodge
"Could be so much better"
Such a disappointment as otherwise the place was excellent.
The locality around was good with lots to do and see."

Dune Beach House
"Lovely with great views"

Schoone Oordt Country House
"First class"
Many thanks to Expert Africa in recommending we book and eat at La Sosta restaurant (must be booked at least a month in advance). One of the top quality restaurants in a country which provides fantastic food."

Four Rosmead
"Highly recommended"
A fantastic holiday
Namibia between 20 Sep 2009 and 8 Oct 2009
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service
Your literature advised us to be very careful with certain issues and in particular with the car hire. Contiue to be open and honest and you will comtinue to thrive."
Arranged By Tracy Lederer

Elegant Guesthouse
"A good way to start our holiday"
They arranged a restaurant and transport for us in an efficient and helpful fashion"

Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch
"excellent introduction to Namibia game drives"
We were prebooked for a game drive and on our first morning we were taken on a short drive to see cheetahs and then later that day had an excellent game drive. We were charged for both. I felt there was a lack of transparency in what was on offer and the cost. If informed we would still have done both."

BullsPort Lodge and Farm
"a working farm with excellent facilities"
The food was in the main dining room and the hosts ate with us. Excellent food."

Kulala Desert Lodge
"A highlight of our holiday"
The food at this lodge was not up to the same standard as we got elsewhere although was still better than average."

Villa Margherita
"Very comfortable"

Doro Nawas
"Best accomodation we had"
The desert elephants more than made up for our difficulties when we found them."

Ongava Lodge
"Mixed feelings about this site"
On the other side of the coin that night the water hole suddenly was visited by lions and then 5 rhinoceroses. A fantastic period followed but as we were watching all our food was removed and they stopped serving.
The accomodation and site was excellent."

Onguma Forest Camp
"Lovely site and very welcoming"
We highly recommend to others."

Onguma The Fort
"Opulent decadence"
As we could not have 2 nights at Etosha Lodge we went here. I preferred the Etosha [Ed: 'Aoba'] Lodge"

Okonjima Plains Camp
"an excellent place to visit"
I left wishing we had had more time here."

Ondudu Safari Lodge
"well worth a visit"
Overall with excellent staff and warm welcoming hosts we felt this was a very good place to visit."

Olive Grove
We highly recommend to others."