Travel reviews by Thor & Deb from BC Canada
Review Distribution
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Excursions taken
My Oct 2021 "Alone in Africa Because of Covid" trip
Zambia and 1 other country between 25 Oct 2021 and 16 Nov 2021
We felt as if we essentially had the continent to ourselves--which was wonderful but a bit weird too. The pandemic complicated things quite considerably because of the need for timely PCR tests, flights disappearing, places closing, etc., but Maruska helped get it all organized and all the facets of the trip she organized came together perfectly.
This is our second trip with Expert Africa, the first the result of a recommendation from a friend. Elizabeth, who organized our first trip, did a fabulous job, and now that high bar of service continues. We are likely to go on safari again, and we will most certainly use Expert Africa again--and will recommend your services to friends.
Again: thank you for taking such great care of us, Maruska. I very much appreciated your solicitous and friendly professionalism.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Maintain that high standard!"
Arranged By Maruska AdyeRowe

Mwamba Bushcamp
"Mwamba Bushcamp review"

3 sightings

10+ sightings

2 sightings

10+ sightings

2 sightings

8 sightings

Spotted Hyena
1 sighting

Wild dog
1 sighting

5 sightings

"Tafika review"
The family running it are the owners and founders, passionate about wildlife, Zambia, and the environment. Wonderful discussions. Food was excellent. Guiding was superb, except Makupa, who needs to be told to tone it down a bit. He's remarkably capable but way too "in your face".
Lloyd, however, was one of the best guides we've ever had--over the span of many safaris. Lots of encounters with a pack of 14 wild dogs, including a kill right in front of us--which was a bit sobering. a number of excellent leopard sightings, including a mother with her semi-grown cub.
Staff was entirely solicitous to our every need, and those cold towels at the end of the drive were divine!"

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

5 sightings

3 sightings

Spotted Hyena
5 sightings

Wild dog
6 sightings

4 sightings

10+ sightings

Chikoko Tree Camp
"Chikoko Tree Camp review"
This was our first experience with walking safaris, and we thoroughly enjoyed them, but suggest they may be more for seasoned safari-goers, who have 'seen it all', because the concentration is on the smaller flora and fauna--and birds. One sees fewer 'big things', but more in depth. Thoroughly enjoyed the slow pace and the silence. Camp amenities were wonderful, and make sure to get a tour of the kitchen!
Guiding is different when walking, but it was first rate!"

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Roan antelope
1 sighting

Wild dog
2 sightings

10+ sightings

"Tafika review"

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

5 sightings

3 sightings

Spotted Hyena
5 sightings

Wild dog
6 sightings

4 sightings

10+ sightings

Sprayview Hotel
"Sprayview Hotel review"
It is well past its 'best before' date, the staff are young and untrained (but very nice), stuff in the room didn't work -- and the price was high! There are far better deals, and I recommend one of the many B&Bs, or a better hotel.
Its location was pretty good: walking distance to the town, and to the Falls. We weren't too excited about visiting Victoria Falls, but are very glad we did. It was wonderful. There's no need to hire a guide at the park. Yes, we sighted elephants--in the middle of the town!"

1 sighting

Camp Hwange
"Camp Hwange review"
Moses and Robert were our guides, and we had a wonderful time with them. learned so much about local culture, as well as the flora and fauna--and we laughed a whole lot. We also did some walking safaris with the most amazing tracker whose name I'm embarrassed to have forgotten.
We heard the leopards mating, very close by, and he tried to lead us to them on foot, but they ended up enjoying their afterglow out of sight of us. Our Land Cruisers at other camps were entirely roof-less. Here they had the typical canvas roof. That was great for the scorching sun, but ultimately I prefer the roof-less variant."

Brown Hyena
4 sightings

10+ sightings

1 sighting

10+ sightings

8 sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Roan antelope
2 sightings

Sable antelope
3 sightings

Spotted Hyena
8 sightings

10+ sightings

Vundu Camp
"Vundu Camp review"
The rooms are huge, but rather tired, and made of a canvas-like plastic material that wasn't very pleasant to live in. Three sinks, two toilets and two showers seem rather unnecessary. I'd rather have less, and smaller, but of better quality.
Food was excellent, and Dave, our guide, was wonderful. We did walking safaris to a pack of dogs, and to a pack of lions snoozing--and I'm not entirely sure who was more surprised, they or us, when we came upon them. Dave, however, reacted in the perfect way. We saw the elephant who stands on his hind legs to reach the best fruit, and he obliged us for a photo of that operation (and I forget his name). Also two hippos battling it out for control of the pond.
It was 44 degrees the day we arrived, and parched. We experienced the first rain of the season on our walk. Wonderful."

8 sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

5 sightings

Spotted Hyena
4 sightings

Wild dog
1 sighting

10+ sightings

Amanzi Lodge (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"Amanzi Lodge review"
The extensive gardens surrounding the 'huts' are absolutely splendid and an oasis of tranquility in a city that isn't exactly tranquil. Food and service was excellent. It is set out in one of Harare's 'leafy suburbs'.
We both enjoyed an exfoliation and a massage, which did wonders after three weeks in the bush."
Not currently featured by Expert Africa
Our retirement trip
Tanzania and 1 other country between 7 Sep 2015 and 8 Oct 2015
How do they manage to have tonic, gin, lime, glasses, ice, and potato chips in Katavi? It must be a logistical nightmare--but there was my gin and tonic, always perfectly served. Dazzling!
We felt safe, treated so well by enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and genuinely caring staff throughout..... And then there were the animals. We never saw a rhine, because they have been poached to virtual extinction in East Africa, but we saw most everything else, and up close and personal. Having a leopard on your tent porch is not something I will soon forget.
A word of caution: Mother Nature can be entirely unsentimental. We watched two lionesses kill a baby giraffe as the helpless adult giraffes watched. This was not easy...... but it is what happens out there. This is not Disneyland."
Arranged By Elizabeth Chapman

Inside Afrika Boutique (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"reasonable small hotel in good location."
We could walk to the 'Hotel Rwanda', and other nearby good restaurants which were recommended to us, and there was a nice view. It's in a residential area. Would we stay there again? Yes, but it isn't anything special and certainly not luxurious.
The bathroom fixtures were a bit dodgy, and one of the pipes began to leak while we were there--but they fixed it right away."
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Mountain Gorilla View Lodge
"Did what it was supposed to do."
The food was excellent and huge variety. Staff was unfailingly friendly and helpful.
Fun to talk to fellow gorilla trekkers and to compare notes in the lounge."

Inside Afrika Boutique (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"Inside Afrika Boutique review"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Nomad Serengeti Safari Camp
"Of boy, here we go....."
One night a leopard prowled through the edge of the camp as we were watching 'Bush TV' (campfire), and the enthusiasm with which the guides ran for torches and bade us follow them as we followed the animal made it clear that the staff are genuine enthusiasts. Great food, exemplary service at out tent. Guiding in the jeeps was superb.
What I didn't know was that I dropped my GoPro out of my bag. At the next camp (Katavi) I got word of this from the camp manager who had been contacted by Raj. There wasn't time to get it to me at Katavi, but there it was waiting for me at Mahale--having travelled half way through Tanzania. If that isn't honest and fabulous service, I don't know what is.
Because this camp is mobile, it is more spartan than the other Nomad camps, but that is a relative term. It was divine!"

Chada Camp
"One word: Esprit de corps"
The elephants parade through the camp, and one played with the guy wire of our tent. Kati is wild and different, but fabulous, and the camp was fabulous. Again, the guiding was exemplary.
I set out to see an animal before our guide and it finally happened when I spotted the lioness before he did--but in fairness to him, he was in the middle of negotiating a steep ravine in the Land Rover at that precise moment, and was rather busy at the time. I must admit that he spotted it a split second after I did--but I beat him :)"

Greystoke Mahale
"Unique.... The best....."
Butate, our guide, was one of the most caring and lovely people I've ever met, to say nothing of his knowledge and guiding skills. He loves the chimps, that is clear. He also took us through his village, which was a wonderful experience. He is also a very, very funny man, and we spent an inordinate amount of time falling over with laughter.
Chimp trekking was fabulous, though my camera struggled with the light and shadow, and with the focus, because the jungle can be very dense. We had one very easy trek to see them, and one very tough one.
And then there's Big Bird, the tame pelican who, if truth be told, rules the camp. We guests had to fish for him, rescue him from a boat that threatened to cart him to the nearby village--where he would have ended up in the pot, and generally ensure that his life was bliss. He was the most wonderful bird I've met, and I miss him and worry for him. He is too friendly for his own good. Long Live Big Bird!"

Kigelia Camp
"Excellent--not quite up to Nomad standards"
The food was excellent, the guiding was up to the usual impeccable Nomad standards, and the tent was comfortable. I was awaken at 2 AM by a leopard who decided to sit on our porch--and have the footprints to prove it! Wow.
I understand that Kigali is a newly acquired Nomad camp. That being the case, I expect Ken, the affable camp manger, will have it whipped into ship-shape in short order. If need be, send Jean from Katavi. He's have that place humming in days!"

Lake Manze Adventure Camp
"Good camp. Not of Nomad calibre, but good."
Nighttime visitations by civil cats, elephants, etc.--which was wonderful. No electric lights in the tents. Only a kerosene lamp and a flashlight. My wife found that a challenge. It didn't bother me. Guiding was up to Nomad standard (despite this not being a Nomad camp). We went to 5 camps in Tanzania.
If I were to drop one, it would be the Selous. 60% of its elephant population has been slaughtered by poachers in the last ten years. Government of Tanzania: do something about this -- and I don't mean collude with the poachers!"

Pole Pole
"I widh I were back there, right now...."
Some of the staff are not familiar with western table/service etiquette, and would forget what was on the menu, etc. Having said that, they were all wonderfully kind and friendly, and did their very best. Thus this is not a complaint, and I urge guests to cut some of the younger waiters a bit of slack if they need it. The setting and environment was delightful and aesthetically very carefully crafted to be as beautiful as possible--while integrating into the local landscape.
The bungalows were beautiful: absolutely beautiful. We did have problems with mosquitos in our screened area around the bed, despite the staff and I doing our best to find out where the little devils were getting in.... Drink prices were too high. Way too high. The highest we experienced, by a considerable %, in 5 weeks in Rwanda Kenya, and Tanzania.
We were at Pole Pole for the scuba diving, and David, from Mafai Island Diving, came by every evening to detail the next day's adventures--and typically picked us up and dropped us off right on Pole Pole's beach. Not bad...... The diving was fabulous!"
Perhaps our favourite camp because of the wonderful aesthetics of the camp itself, and the hide, from which we saw fabulous stuff. Guiding was excellent. Highly recommended.
Saw a leopard with her two cubs--which is apparently unheard of. From your list of animal sightings, I ticked off buffalo X3, elephant (too many to count), Giraffe X2, hippos (too many to count), leopard 2X different sitings, up close, lions (lots, and with kills), Hyena X1, porcupine X2, Honey badger X1, White Tailed Mongoose, Bushy tailed mongoose, Spotted genet, elephant shrew, crocodiles. I'm not listing the 'common' stuff.
Lots of birds, of course."