Travel reviews by Miss A from Okehampton
Review Distribution
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Excursions taken
Wonderful... Beats UK in February!
Kenya between 26 Feb 2019 and 12 Mar 2019
We were especially impressed by the cheerful helpfulness of all the Kenyan people we met, in all the places we stayed- and in between.
Plus- the weather was perfect...."
Arranged By Richard Trillo

Eden Nairobi
"One Forty Eight review"

The 'singing wells' hugely interesting- a unique experience - we only hope it will not be affected by too many tourists.... (A ban on photography such a good thing..). The new Namunyuk Elephant Sanctuary - about an hour away - is beautifully run, with excellent facilities - in a natural setting.
A visit to a local Samburu nomad's village was fascinating- how nice of them to allow us to pay a visit... Andrew amazed them by being able to milk a goat. (They were obviously ready to have a good laugh!)
We loved this place- the resident echidna under the main house, semi-tame Grevys zebras visiting the swimming pool, a friendly, rescued giraffe, beautiful birds, magnificently dressed Samburu men- all adding to its unique charm."

8 sightings

6 sightings

1 sighting

10+ sightings

1 sighting

Spotted Hyena
1 sighting

4 sightings

Saruni Mara
"Attractive position, very good guide, Tinka"
To start with, our allotted cabin room - though very attractive - was located up a slope a long walk from the main house, despite our briefing that Andrew had difficulty in walking.
The staff very kindly did a special supper for us in our room- and the manager, Cecilia, moved us the next day into the owner's very luxurious 'villa'. We were looked after beautifully by the villa team - including meals delivered each day by dedicated cook! Buffalo, impala and giraffe regularly wandered along the track just below us, which was a bonus...
Despite the lovely villa, and being spoilt by the delightful staff, three days here were too many for us. To get to the Northern Mara Conservancy, one must drive down a very rough track and through an over-grazed farming area. (Half an hour plus - then back again of course...) The plains area is oversubsrcibed with tourist 4WD's - though our v good guide, Tinka, managed to avoid the worst over-crowding. The safari drives are the only activity within reasonable driving distance- though one day we visited Saruni Wild Camp for tea, which made a change. (Unfortunately, it was full so we could not move to there from Saruni Mara).
Saruni Mara is trying very hard and has certain advantages (cooler than the plains, for one) - but suffers probably from too much competition from better-placed sites.
We loved the bush lunch by the river on arrival!"

5 sightings

3 sightings

8 sightings

10+ sightings

1 sighting

Spotted Hyena
5 sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Wonderful service- excellent food. Our room was lovely- with view directly onto the beach/sea.
Thoroughly recommended!"

Four Points Nairobi Airport
"Perfect for a one-night stopover"
Here, one could be anywhere in the world!"
Namibian Adventure 2017
Namibia between 9 Feb 2017 and 28 Feb 2017
Rather disappointing that Hoanib was the only camp that provided any educational/informative element- a very good film on the desert lions and a lecture by a visiting bat researcher!
More of that sort of thing would have much appreciated- especially where we stayed three nights in one place, (Most camps seem to be geared to two-night stays) Would have very much liked to know more about the different tribes etc- which we finally did on our last day at the National Museum in Windoek , which has seen better days, but is still very interesting.
We loved the ability to get away into some unspoilt and spectacular county -and avoid crowds of tourists. The exception to that was Sossusvlie, where there were far too many people and traffic .... a bit of a shock after the tranquility of Etendenka!
We worry that Namibia is about to OD on tourism and lose its unique appeal....."
Arranged By Tom Morris

Olive Grove
"Olive Grove review"
Dining 'deck' overlooking car parking area not especially appealing. Luckily, the lovely Olive Exclusive next door has a wonderful restaurant - worth walking around to! (We'd have paid the extra $$$'s to have stayed there!)"

Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp
"Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp review"
The Skeleton Coast day out was totally wonderful - they made it all as varied and interesting as possible, with the 'roaring' dune slide, an amazing lunch set up on the beach and great flight back! Just one negative comment: we would have liked a longer walk at the mouth of the Hoanib River - or anywhere else in the area - especially as we waited at the airstrip for over an hour for the Wilderness Safari pilot to arrive.... ( it seems he was rather over-booked that afternoon) BUT the flight itself was spectacular!
We saw the desert elephants, (and sadly a dead baby one week old baby who seems to have died from exhaustion) giraffe, oryx, springbok with lively young ones, and three 3 month-old lion cubs whose future is uncertain as their mother was killed by a leopard... the big question being should they be kept alive artificially, or allow nature to follow its course...We were all for intervention, but don't know what subsequently happened.
Food was excellent - as was service. In the bar, Limbo makes a superb cocktail. An amazing place simply to 'be' - a very impressive achievement so far from's a very special place."

Etendeka Mountain Camp
"Etendenka adventure"
(WHY?) A real paradise for geologists... something to look at with every step!
The evening drives were a tad long- a bit repetitive.
Dennis a very interesting person- we enjoyed talking to him. Relief manager, Shireen, was very competent and paid a lot of attention to visitors requirements with some very thoughtful touches.. such as a beautifully illustrated recipe for Elias's excellent goulash, which we requested! The chef, Elias, obviously a treasure, provided impressive dinners every night complete with irresistible puddings.
We loved it, but perhaps two days would have been preferable..."

Cornerstone Guesthouse
"Cornerstone Guesthouse review"
Take a sleep mask, as bright street lights shone into our room all night ( a bit of a shock after Etendenka).
Nice big room and bathroom, with terrace for sitting outside.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Whilst staying here these travellers did the kayaking with seals excursion and commented:
Great fun - especially as the baby seals were just learning to swim.!
Jean was terrific and provided us with all the gear we needed. We thoroughly enjoyed the whole morning - and were amazed to receive her videos of us the same afternoon.
Thoroughly recommend it - though to some seeing quite a few dead baby seals around us on the beach was upsetting: Maybe a bit more of an explanation about how/why etc might be helpful?"

Kayaking with seals
"Kayaking with seals"
17 Feb 2017 • Morning excursion
Jean was terrific and provided us with all the gear we needed. We thoroughly enjoyed the whole morning - and were amazed to receive her videos of us the same afternoon.
Thoroughly recommend it - though to some seeing quite a few dead baby seals around us on the beach was upsetting: Maybe a bit more of an explanation about how/why etc might be helpful?

Hoodia Desert Lodge
"Hoodia Desert Lodge review"
Neuras wine- the Shiraz- was surprisingly good. High price goes to help care for relocated cheetahs there....Tours of vineyard are available.
Apart from the Dunes day out, we were rather disappointed that there was no advice on other things to do from Hoodia - our very interesting day out to Neuras etc was our own idea (thanks to the Bradt Guide) - wonderful scenery etc and very worthwhile doing....
Maybe overall we were a little disappointed in Hoodia.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
During their stay here these travellers also took the Hoodia Sossusvlei excursion and commented:
TOO MANY PEOPLE!! And we were there in the low season! We would avoid it in the high season- or stay at a camp with private access....But, having said that, it was obviously not to be missed and our excellent guide made every effort to take us to the less crowded spots. Beautifully served, proper sit - down lunch under a huge old acacia - with only an oryx for company!
Some of our group made the top of the Big Daddy dune- we got half way- but it was still fun coming down."

Hoodia Sossusvlei excursion
"Taking on Big Daddy"
19 Feb 2017 • All-day excursion
Some of our group made the top of the Big Daddy dune- we got half way- but it was still fun coming down.

Namtib Desert Lodge
"Candlelit dinner at Namtib"
A small bar area up in a rocky outcrop is perfect for a sundowner... very relaxing."

Fish River Lodge
"Fish River Lodge- on the edge"
Food delicious- with the best breakfast we had anywhere... Wonderful cocktails. Charming staff.
The sky at night is incredibly clear... star- gazing definitely another area of potential interest. And we would have loved to have had a film/ video of the geology etc of the canyon- something interesting to do after dinner. ( Apart from Hoanib, none of the other camps offered any such thing- a pity)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Whilst staying here these travellers took part in the day drive in to the canyon and commented:
The rugged drive to the canyon is fairly hair raising and fun- the driver/guide impressively intrepid! BUT once at the canyon, with the river in full flood, it was very limited... it was simply a look at the water, a snack out of a paper bag, then the same very rocky route back. We were back by 1.30.
I think they could have made much more of the whole thing- with a bit of an effort at a more special lunch- perhaps set up at the hiking camp base where there was some shade.... overall I think they get a C for effort!
Rather disappointing."

Fish River Canyon day trip
"Hair raising drive to Fish River Canyon"
23 Feb 2017 • All-day excursion
I think they could have made much more of the whole thing- with a bit of an effort at a more special lunch- perhaps set up at the hiking camp base where there was some shade.... overall I think they get a C for effort!
Rather disappointing.

Kalahari Red Dunes Lodge
"Kalahari Red Dunes Lodge review"
Wildebeest immediately outside our room in the early morning!"

Galton House
"Galton House review"
A very nicely designed, relaxed place- but our room ( No 6 ) was very small and noisy. (A generator all night next door- and power showers at 6am in next room!)
Super swimming pool for a small place- much appreciated.
Very helpful manager. Nice sitting-around area...
Good for one night."
Lovely gardens and characterful house, full of wonderful and interesting artworks by Tonio Trezebinski.
Good food and very pleasant staff."