Reviews of Canyon Lodge
Wildlife sightings and reviews
104 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Canyon Lodge and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa
0% success
85% success
62% success
27% success
23% success
0% success
0% success
"Canyon Lodge review"
"Canyon Lodge review"
No flights over the canyon were available at the time of our visit, which was a bit of a disappointment, but otherwise a lovely stay." See all these reviews: 13n in Namibia
"Canyon Lodge review"
"It's a long way down"
The rooms were fine but not much space outside - rather cramped little pathways and no real terrace to sit out and look at the strange rock formations or watch the sunsets which were very impressive
We took the trip to the Canyon as a foursome which was OK, but rather expensive for what was on offer - the trip in an old vehicle and about an hour there, then a drive back.
Breakfasts were something of a trial as the staff did not seem to appreciate how much some people ate. Many items ran out very quickly and refilling did not seem to be a priority. As an example, the fresh fruit salad had all gone within a few minutes of service starting one morning and it took almost half an hour before a small bowl of tinned tomatoes replaced the salad! Not much good with Corn Flakes.
We took a walk around the site and found a substantial development project underway which looks as though it will significantly increase the size of the place and the numbers of people staying - we hope the central facilities are to be expanded accordingly." See all these reviews: 20n in Namibia
"Lovely hobbit-houses"
The food in the restaurant was good too, and the staff very helpful. The star was Fritz, the chief guide (and main mover behind the organisation of the place). His knowledge was prodigious, and he was really good company. He gave us a first rate tour of the Fish River Canyon, with an in-depth account of the geological history that I (as a professional geologist) couldn't fault.
He persuaded us it was safe to drive down to the Orange River, which turned out to be one of the best drives of the holiday, albeit the most lonely (we didn't see another person or car until we got to the road along the Orange River, and only saw 6 other vehicles in 260km)." See all these reviews: 18n in Namibia; 6n in Botswana; 2n in Zambia
"Canyon Lodge review"
Took the opportunity to be taken to the Canyon by John, one of the guides and it was great to talk to him about the geology and fauna which was very informative. Food good." See all these reviews: 20n in Namibia
"Among the rocks at Canyon Lodge"
"Canyon Lodge review"
As we are keen photographesr it may have been better to stay at Grande View Lodge." See all these reviews: 25n in Namibia
"Canyon Lodge review"
The sundowner climb up on the kopie, and the sunrise walk out to the quiver trees were both of them enjoyable, well guided, and gave some great photo opportunities. Nice swimming pool as well, next to the palm tree: the new one now being built is on the other side of the lodge, still nearly the same distance away, and will give a similar chance to relax in a quiet place. Again, staff were helpful, efficient and charming.
We did drive down to Ai-Ais, but wished we hadn't. It is under reconstruction currently (we were asked politely to leave the building site), was stonkingly hot, and only the last few kms on the road had any real scenery." See all these reviews: 16n in Namibia
"Shaky start that ended well"
We rang Sabina [Ed: at Expert Africa] who rang us back later having spoken to the local agent. Apparently there was a mix up with the booking but as there was no alternative accommodation at Canon Lodge or elsewhere we had to stay there. Fortunately the second night of our stay a rock lodge was available and we were able to move. It was not a good start to have to insist on speaking to the manager and to feel like second class citizens. even the staff seemed to be surprised that we were in a room prefixed by 'S'.
With regards to Canon Lodge - the food and hospitality were excellent. We did the early morning Canyon flight which was amazing and shoulld go highly recommended particularly in relation to value for money. The sundowner walks were very enjoyable as was the swimming pool but it was along way from the units. This is being addressed as a new pool is being constructed much closer to the rock units on the other side of the development." See all these reviews: 10n in Namibia
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