Travel reviews by Laura from from SF
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My Apr 2024 trip
Botswana and 1 other country between 12 Apr 2024 and 19 Apr 2024
It was amazing and you chose perfect places for me."
Arranged By Anton Walker

Ilala Lodge
"Ilala Lodge review"

Pom Pom Camp
"Pom Pom Camp review"
I was a little surprised that meals were family style; that would have been very good information.
Also, I think it would have been good to have a option of solo dining without it being awkward.
The waterhole in front of the camp was just incredible.
The facilities were immaculate. The outdoor shower was such a treat.
The game rides were fantastic.
I cannot say enough about the animals. Wow, wow, wow."

3 sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

3 sightings

5 sightings

Roan antelope
Many sightings

Spotted Hyena
Many sightings

Wild dog
10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Splash Camp
"Splash Camp review"
Facilities were fancier than Ilala but not as well-ventilated and in fact when it was windy was much less comfortable and harder to adjust.
It would have been great to have the coffee with wakeup.
Pool was fantastic (same with Ilala).
Meals were family style; that would have been great to be very clear before getting there. They accommodated solo dining but it was quite awkward. After being with people all day it was really a lot to also dine with them. To consolidate the memories it helped me to have some quiet time. Others are different, I know, but options are important.
Also, staff do not get to see their families for 2 months (guides) or 3 months (everyone else) and they are not allowed access wifi (which does exist at camp). That truly is not ok. The divide between us is huge already; compassion is important.
At times I felt a little unsafe -- on the boat ride and once with the elephants in particular; I wished we had been further from a bull who was protecting his family. On the boat ride it was beautiful but that is also the highest mosquito time. I wished that there had been mosquito spray available right on the truck or some other provision."
Regarding concerns about staff spending extended periods away from their families, this setup is common across many industries globally - hospitality, mining, marine, and the military to name a few. This is usually due to the location of the workplace. Typically, staff work on a rotation of 8 to 12 weeks on duty followed by 2 to 4 weeks off. This scheduling accommodates the reality that many staff members face lengthy and sometimes challenging journeys to reach their homes.
Wi-Fi was recently installed at Splash Camp, and initially priority has been given to guest access due to limited band width. However, plans are underway to enhance the internet facilities for staff.
We are looking into the safety concerns raised by this traveller.

Many sightings

Many sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

3 sightings

6 sightings

Roan antelope
Many sightings

Spotted Hyena
Many sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings
I wish they'd reminded me that breakfast was included when I checked in."