Travel reviews by Mr P & Ms W from Herts
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My Oct 2023 trip
Tanzania between 19 Oct 2023 and 31 Oct 2023
Seeing Wild Dog in two separate parks was amazing.
The camps were all high quality and wildlife viewing overall was excellent.
Great to cap it off swimming with Whale Sharks."
Arranged By Tamara Hoskyns-Abrahall

Serena Hotel Dar
"Serena Hotel Dar review"

Ikuka Safari Camp
"Ikuka Safari Camp review"
Beautiful views of the park from rooms high in the escarpment, with an affinity pool for relaxing afternoons. The rooms are very well designed and the 'open' bathrooms a nice touch. Sitting areas and balcony well thought out. Fantastic hosts and staff. The food was excellent.
Excellent guiding from Festo, and wildlife encounters were very good, both in terms of variety, animal densities, and closeness. Large numbers of lions, encountering 4 different groups and seeing them on all but one drive. Large healthy elephant populations. Small numbers of the more exotic antelope (Eland, Defassa waterbuck) with good numbers of greater and lesser kudu, dikdik, impala and zebra. Plenty of giraffe and smaller numbers of ostrich. Saw a large herd of circa 300 buffalo. Great viewing of a bat eared fox and 3 cubs.
Animals not skittish so encounters were close and prolonged. Fantastic to see wild dog right outside the camp. Leopard also present although we didn't see them. Camp visited at night by honey badgers, hyena and serval amongst others.
This was my children's first safari and a very good overall experience. The scenary is spectacular - particularly the large numbers of Baobabs. Sadly cheetah numbers have declined over the past 20 years since I last visited and sightings are now rare. Likewise with the 'flagship' Sable antelope. There are apparently Roan, though far from the central areas.
Overall a great destination for both a first time safari or a more seasoned traveller. You won't tick off everything but a broad variety with quality encounters"

2 sightings

1 sighting

6 sightings

10+ sightings

5 sightings

Wild dog
Many sightings

7 sightings

Beho Beho
"Beho Beho review"
Food was varied and good. They have a small pool, and a water hole that attracts a lot of nocturnal visitors.
The rooms are spacious and well designed, with open viewing areas in front of the large bed. Each has a plunge pool and small sun deck. They provide a strong torch making it easy to spot nocturnal visitors. These included hippo every night, plus elephant and buffalo. Hyena came every night to the delight of my sons, as well as multiple antelope. We also saw a common genet.
Visiting this area mid October it was vey hot. Wildlife densities were low and the animals relatively skittish. This may reflect the camp location, being far from the river and lakes and wetter Eastern areas, though I'm unclear of the impact of COVID and poaching. The densities of prey animals was low other than impala. No sightings of cats and encounters with giraffe brief. Even when we drove to the lake area the densities remained low. There are large numbers of hippo and crocodiles, so a good 'double act' with our other destination (Ruaha). Hyena sightings were also very good, perhaps reflecting lack of lions. They were seen on multiple occasions in groups up to nine during the daytime. Again this was a nice addition as we hadn't seen them in Ruaha.
We were lucky enough to see wild dog, and even a hunt. Sightings are far less frequent than 10 yrs ago but our experience shows that these elusive predators can be seen in Selous.
The other highlight was the Angolan Colobus - very good viewings right next to the road with 18 or so individuals, many with young. For us the camp was great, and the wildlife added nicely to those we'd seen in Ruaha.
As a single destination I would have been disappointed, though whether this reflects more on the time we visited and distance from the main water is unclear to me."

3 sightings

4 sightings

4 sightings

8 sightings

Spotted Hyena
6 sightings

Wild dog
Many sightings

4 sightings

Many sightings

Pole Pole
"Pole Pole review"
Large numbers of biting insects rather detracted form the overall experience. They were most prevalent near the reception, which was the only area you could get wifi (so my kids got rather heavily bitten).
They also kept us away from the pool area. Food was relatively average.
Water activities were good, including the jellyfish lagoon, reef snorkelling and the whale watching."
Rooms clean and comfortable."