Travel reviews by ERinSTL from Saint Louis
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Excellent arrangements; fabulous guide
Rwanda between 28 Jun 2019 and 5 Jul 2019
Our guide, Sula, was extraordinary. From the pickup at KGL airport, through drop-off for departure, his friendly, low-key personality were just right. His local knowledge and his obvious love for what he does were very reassuring that our visit was safe and positive for us travelers and for the people and environments where we visited.
We had an airline glitch at the very end. RwandAir cancelled our 10am departure and put us on a flight out at 0010 the next morning. That was a serious disappointment, but obviously beyond the control of … really anyone, other than RwandAir, at whom I’m still miffed (though I expect I’ll get over it). Sula made sure we were comfortably delivered to the hotel that RwandAir booked for us before taking his leave."
Arranged By Amanda Bond

Heaven Boutique Hotel
"Heaven Boutique Hotel review"

Mountain Gorilla View Lodge
"Mountain Gorilla View Lodge review"
Electrical outlets are 220V, but have a universal configuration that accepts US two- and three-prong plugs. If you have voltage-compensating electronics, you can use them without an adapter.
All meals are offered as buffets. There is typically a very wide choice, and I never had a problem finding something to like. Quality is average: neither praise- nor complaint-worthy. Adjacent the dining area is another fireplace, surrounded with chairs, which is a nice pre-dinner gathering place for guests to share stories – and a beverage – from their days’ experiences.
Strongly suggest to your clients that they bring their own gaiters and gloves for monkey and gorilla treks. The gators in particular are almost a necessity, and the lodge “rents” pairs for US$5 each per day. We took gloves with us on our gorilla trek, but found them unnecessary.
One extreme negative that should be addressed by the lodge, but almost certainly will not be: I thought the shower was a death trap. It is apparently formed of poured concrete and painted with a shiny enamel paint. The slope to the drain is steep and the surfaces extremely slippery when wet (which is all the time during a shower). I fell immediately upon setting foot into the shower area. The area is bordered by a line of fist-size rocks set into the concrete. If I had landed on one of those, I fully expect that I would have been severely injured. As it was, I only experienced a moderately painful contusion on my forearm. I count myself very lucky."
We have been in touch with Mountain Gorilla View Lodge to advise on and discuss this important safety concern. The lodge have responded, to advise us that they are aware that the shower floors can become slippery during use, and they are looking into solutions to rectify this, including sourcing non-slip shower mats for the rooms. We have updated our documentation to ensure that all travellers to the lodge are aware of this safety concern, and we will continue to monitor the progress as the lodge for further safety measures to be implemented.

Mountain Gorilla
10+ sightings

Kigali Tour and Genocide Memorial Visit
"City & Genocide Memorial Tour review"
30 Jun 2019 • All-day excursion
We expected lunch at Hotel Mille Collines (the original “Hotel Rwanda”) and were a bit disappointed to be redirected to a different hotel. Lunch was lunch, but the fame of Mille Collines was an attraction that we were looking forward to. I understand the reason for the change, but Mille Collines should not have been promised in the itinerary.

Golden Monkey Trekking
"Golden Monkey Trekking review"
2 Jul 2019 • Morning excursion
Our hour with the golden monkeys was extremely enjoyable. The essentially ignored our presence, so we had some pretty close encounters. One monkey ran across my path and nearly stepped on my feet. Their behaviors climbing in the trees, balancing on branches, pulling leaves to eat, is fascinating, and so nearly human!
Hiring a porter is definitely worthwhile. Even if you believe you won’t need one, it’s good for the economy. The good it does is far in excess of the modest cost.

Gorilla Trekking Safari
"Our gorilla trek"
3 Jul 2019 • Morning excursion
The gorilla encounters were nothing short of amazing. Mothers and babies in poses that couldn’t be more human. Juveniles playing, swinging on vines, engaging in dominance practice, could be a school playground with a bit of extra foliage. The silverback keeping an eye on things with a stern, watchful glare – that was my fifth-grade teacher during recess. The 7-meter offset was only marginally enforced. Juvenile gorillas, unaware of that rule, approach closely, and grabbed the pants leg of a fellow trekker.
Having read reviews on various travel boards, we decided to book two gorilla treks back to back (on Day 3 and Day 4 of our stay at Volcanoes National Park). But after the first trek, as rewarding as it was, the idea of getting up at 4:30 again and trekking through the mud again caused us to reluctantly skip the second trek. Financially, it was a significant mistake in our planning. (We’re both in our 70s, though fit; maybe younger trekkers would not be deterred from a second go.)

Heaven Boutique Hotel
"Heaven Boutique Hotel review"
It probably appears twice because we stayed there both to begin and to end our time in Rwanda. No need to re-review it, though."

Gorilla Trekking Safari
"Gorilla Trekking Safari review"
4 Jul 2019 • Morning excursion
Heaven is in a mostly residential area, but very near a commercial district. Assured of safety, we took some walks during down time and found it an interesting way to expose ourselves to some of the culture.
A note: we needed to get some laundry done. The prices (US$1-2 per individual item) were prohibitive (not specific to Heaven – it’s true for virtually all hotel-provided laundry services). I asked if there were any laundromat-type stores where we could do our own wash, and there were none. But the manager offered to negotiate: he agreed to US$10 for the load, but I thought that was too low and ended up paying US$20."