Travel reviews by Mr R & Mrs E from Bucks
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Expert Africa made this a trip to remember!
Namibia between 26 May 2014 and 24 Jun 2014
Since our return, Sabina has been quick to help resolve a couple of minor issues.
We are delighted with the quality of service provided by Expert Africa and their staff and are more than happy to recommend them to anyone making their first visit to Namibia.
We found the Bradt guides to be very informative and accurate - there was not much we wanted to know that was not contained within their pages. By the way, contrary to advice given, $200 notes were accepted everywhere!
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
No, nothing springs to mind!"
Arranged By Sabina Hekandjo

Elegant Guesthouse
"Overnight stop on arrival in Namibia"

Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch
"Overnight stop en route to Fish River"
Enjoyed seeing the feeding of the farm's orphan cheetahs, and the "sundowner"."

Fish River Lodge
"Great stay at Fish River Canyon"
First the lodge - getting there up the 20km track was interesting in parts; we wondered whether the two wheel drive would be OK, but it was actually fine. The location of the lodge is superb, on the edge of the canyon, and the rooms are very nice. There was one minor issue with the rooms - it was very windy when we were there, and the noise of that wind over and round the lodges rooms was such that residents were offered ear plugs! It is clearly a consequence of the architecture, but it didn't in any way spoil our enjoyment.
The staff were friendly and helpful without exception, and they had a surprise for us on our first evening - a birthday/anniversary cake presented by all the staff, accompanied by singing and dancing. Brilliant, and the staff all clearly enjoyed presenting it.
The four day hike up the upper reaches of the Fish River Canyon was excellent. The walking was easy, i.e. not particularly strenuous and OK for anyone with moderate fitness. Our Guide, Desi was great fun, knowledgeable and good company. Likewise the camp crew. With Desi we learnt a lot about animal tracks, droppings, animals, plants and the geology of the area. It was just the two of us and Desi on the walk, the camps being prepared and moved by the camp crew and their pick-up truck. Camp? We were in a tent, which had camp beds, sheets, duvets and a side table. Nearby was a bush shower, and the camp crew had plenty of hot water ready f or us when we arrived at in the late afternoon. And we had a chemical toilet too. Dinner was at a table with cloth, napkins and lamplight, and comprised a full three course meal almost to the standard of the main lodge restaurant! And all with the Milky Way in all its brilliance overhead. Breakfast was also of a similar standard. On a practical note, it was heading towards mid-winter and the nights were cold, so we certainly used our thermal underwear as pyjamas. But the days were glorious, almost too hot at times. Walking, we didn't expect to get near any animals, but we did see a good range of antelope and zebra, and Desi spotted a horned Adder, which was a treat to see.
The whole walk was great, but it was in the upper reaches of the canyon, and not to be confused with the five day walk down into the deeper part of the canyon to Ai Ais. Our original intention was to do the latter, and it was only when we actually got to the lodge that we realised we were to be going up river and not down - perhaps we had not paid attention to Sabina, because we had been wondering how the camp and catering would work when we knew access is more or less non existent on the walk to Ai Ais. Although we were a little disappointed that we did not go down-river into the deeper canyon, we really enjoyed the walk we did. The important thing is to make clear to customers that this walk is not the one down the canyon, but that it has other attributes: bags are carried; meals are provided, the scenery is different and (probably) more varied; there may be a wider range of wildlife. (This is not a complaint, by the way - we would recommend the walk to anyone - it just needs to be clear what walk it is)."

Eagle's Nest
"Fantastic location under mountain"
Buffet style dinner at the restaurant worked very well (even with a German coach party)- we decided against taking the barbecue pack option.
We took the breakfast pack to our lodge, which was a good decision.
We would have liked a little more time there to walk in the mountains and would stay two nights if we were to go back some day.
We saw an Eagle Owl, which was a rare treat."

Sinclair Guest Farm, Namibia (this camp has since closed)
"Good overnight stopping place"
We had a nice walk out to the old copper mine at sunset, and learned a great deal from Hannelore about the history of the mining in the area, the railway to Luderitz, and the current issues associated with foreign prospecting for rare earths.
The only reason we have marked the rooms and facilities as good, rather than excellent, is that by comparison to other places they were slightly dated - they were, however, perfectly adequate, light, airy and clean."
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Sossus Dune Lodge
"Fantastic desert location in the park"
It was very windy when we were there, and one minor grumble was that the restaurant door was constantly being opened for staff to bring and clear food, resulting in cold draughts and quite a cold room - it was June and temperatures outside were low single figures in the evenings.
That was the only grumble we had over the two nights we were there.
Being in the park was a great advantage, as we could be at Sossusvlei at sunrise, and also be out at the dunes at sunset - not possible if you stay outside the park.
We did the sunrise trip to Sossusvlei, which was brilliant - the strong winds and blowing sand added positively to the experience! Paulus, our guide, was very knowledgeable, and had a great sense of humour.
Sesreim Canyon was well worth an hour or two.
Finally, being out at the dunes at sunset was delightful."

BullsPort Lodge and Farm
"Nice hill and canyon walk at Bullsport"
We were made very welcome, and the rooms were excellent. Meals were served at one large table where family, staff and guest all ate together. That worked very well once the introductions had been made and conversations initiated!
We did a short walk along the foot of the mountains on the first evening, which was pleasant - Kudu, mountain zebra.
The next day we did the bullsport's 17km walk up into the mountains and down a canyon with springs and pools. This was a very nice walk, although we did not see many animals, there was a great range of scenery and plant-life."

Cornerstone Guesthouse
"Excellent base for Swakopmund"
The location within a short walk of the sea front and town centre is ideal."

Coast and Sandwich Harbour
"Educational and fun day with Turnstone Tours"
10 Jun 2014 • All-day excursion
Everything went well and we all enjoyed the day and learning from Achim about the landscape, flora and fauna.
Unfortunately we did not make it to Sandwich Bay because a strong South Westerly storm had been blowing for a number of days which, combined with the neap tides, made the ride along the shore between the dunes and the sea impassable.
The only thing that marred the day was a misjudgement by Achim, who tried to make the journey when it was (in our less expert view) clearly not going to be possible - or at least not safe. We were proved right when he acknowledged that we were in real danger of being swamped, following which we had a rather precarious reverse journey to safety.
Later in the holiday, at Mundelea, we met Bruno, the owner of Turnstone Tours and found that Achim had given him a full briefing on the incident and that they had had a long discussion about how the situation had arisen. We are particularly pleased about that because it does show that following a misjudgement/incident the situation was discussed and plans to ensure no repeat were set out.
Happily the incident did not end with the Land Rover and passengers in the sea, and it did not detract from our overall enjoyment of the day. As stated at the beginning, Achim is a very experienced and knowledgeable guide. On this occasion he made a misjudgement on the state of the sea.
We have unticked the box about other travellers seeing this comment because it is for your information rather than for the world at large.

Doro Nawas
"Doro Nawas review"
Only a minor niggle - the terrace breakfast bar was plagued with small birds - on tables and on the food itself. Staff did make some effort to shoo them away but it was not very hygienic."

Etendeka Mountain Camp
"Fantastic wilderness camp at Etendeka"
We also had an astronomy lesson and looked at the stars through Denis's telescope"

Dolomite Camp
"Dolomite camp - introduction to Etosha"
Food was very good but the staff have a bit to learn regarding service which was slow. A couple of basic items ran out but there was no effort to bring in supplies ahead of schedule.
There was a leopard in the camp one night but we did not see it. There was also some lion activity rather close to our hut - again, heard but not seen.
There are a couple of excellent waterholes close by with large herds of zebra, oryx, elephant and other plains animals."

Okaukuejo Camp
"Okaukuejo Camp Review"
The floodlit waterhole was a novelty and a treat. One evening we saw eight black rhino at the water's edge alongside a large herd of elephant (35+).
An excellent base for visiting central waterholes and the salt pan."

Mushara Bush Camp
"Mushara Bush Camp"
Dinner was excellent and staff lovely. We had hot water bottles in the beds! A rare treat as it was very cold at night."

Mundulea Reserve
"Mundulea Reserve review"
Bruno's knowledge of plants, animals, geology and politics is exemplary and he takes obvious pleasure in sharing this.
The only slight criticism is that the walks sometimes seemed to be rather lacking in objective. The vegetation at this time of year can be rather uninspiring. Perhaps a little more discussion and briefing before each walk might have helped."

Elegant Farmstead
"Elegant Farmstead"
Our room was decorated in honour of our 35th wedding anniversary and we had a private dinner in the wine cellar! A delightful surprise."