Travel reviews by Dr F & Mrs A from UK
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My Feb 2013 trip
Namibia between 1 Feb 2013 and 24 Feb 2013
She is a valuable asset to the company.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Your name says it all, you are experts so how can I suggest improvement"
Arranged By Sabina Hekandjo

Zum Sperrgebiet Seaview Hotel, Namibia (this camp has since closed)
"Zum Sperrgebiet Seaview Hotel review"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Sperrgebiet tour
"We didn't find diamonds!"
4 Feb 2013 • All-day excursion

Sperrgebiet tour
"How could the women tolerate it?"
5 Feb 2013 • Morning excursion
The site is well-maintained and their guide was good.

Halifax Island boat trip
"Not for me!"
5 Feb 2013 • Morning excursion
The skipper and his helper were very kind about it and did not show any exasperation which would have been understandable.

Little Kulala
"Little Kulala review"
Sleeping on the roof was wonderful, no bugs and not cold, but it seemed a waste of time to sleep when there are so many stars to look at.
We loved the lay-out of the room and its exterior."

Sam's Giardino
"Sam's Giardino review"
We will stay there whenever we are in Swakopmund, the garden is delightful for relaxation and reading."

Kayaking with seals
"Sightseeing with a difference"
10 Feb 2013 • Morning excursion
We coped very well with the kayak and the sea was calm so we enjoyed the whole experience. It was exciting to get so close to the furseals and both guides were great at identifying birds for us.

Conservancy Safaris (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"Conservancy Safaris review"
Meeting Flip was very special, this man is awesome (not a word I normally use), his dedication and capacity for working under extraordinary conditions is incredible. We feel it was a great honour to be allowed to observe him at work and enlightening to talk to him, thank you for arranging it. This is work we will follow on the website.
We watched a large lion from close quarters as he ate from an oryx and played with his cub. We watched Flip recollar a lioness, tale measurements and display his affection for and knowledge about his animals, all of which he was happy to share with us."
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Damaraland Camp
"Damaraland Camp review"
We were ready for a rest after our camping experience and enjoyed the accommodation and outlook. The trackers were successful in finding a rhino with baby, and sensitive, not only for our safety but also for the welfare of the animals when the mother became a little agitated. Most enjoyable.
A delightful surprise evening meal was given to all of us in a lamp-lit secluded area."

Serra Cafema
"Serra Cafema review"
Such delightful people, especially our guide, Gheradus and our waitress, Gina. Gheradus made sure we saw as many birds as possible, all of which he knew at a glance, and took us for two exciting boat trips, one of which resulted in us seeing at very close hand, a crocodile take a cow from a group drinking in the river.
We were so pleased that Wilderness's CEO was staying there and we were able to express our appreciation for everyone's efforts and attentions, including our travel agent in London!"

Eningu Clayhouse
"Eningu Clayhouse review"
Next time we would like to begin our trip with two nights here."
A memorable holiday
Namibia between 8 Feb 2012 and 2 Mar 2012
Very well organized - thank you Sabina for all your hard work, care and suggestions. We will be back in the near future and hope that Sabina will look after us for a third time.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Get another car-hire firm or make it clear that they must deliver what is promised and payed for - we got only one spare wheel though payed for two.
But that is a minor complaint compared to our overall appreciation and enjoyment. Thank you"
Arranged By Sabina Hekandjo

Olive Grove
"Olive Grove, an excellent guest house"
Their luxury room was superb and when we returned they upgraded us to a fabulous suite. I would strongly reccommend them to any traveller and will return there next time."

BullsPort Lodge and Farm
"Bullsport is worth a visit"
Arrangements for outings was designed individually to suit interests and each was most ably guided by knowledgeable guides.
We loved it"

Rostock Ritz
"Beautiful Rostock Ritz"
As we were there only overnight we did not do activities but looked upon it as a welcome and indulgent rest. The pool area is a dream, both during the day and at night for star-gazing"

Sam's Giardino
"Welcome return to Sam's Giardino"
We enjoyed his wine-tasting, he is so well-informed and enthusiastic. His dog, of course, was on form as co-host, and the beautiful garden was a haven of rest after a hard day's shopping."

Coast and Sandwich Harbour
"Interesting birding in Sandwich Harbour"
15 Feb 2012 • All-day excursion
e provided a lovely luch and we had interesting discussions.

Camp Kipwe
"Camp Kipwe was a lovely interlude"
Compared to other places we did not find mixing with others as easy, probably because there are individual tables and we were not there long enough, nor did we go out in vehicles. I loved the outdoor bathrooms and the way the rooms fitted into the natural setting."

Huab Lodge
"Everyone should experience Huab Lodge"
Jan, Suzi and all their staff are excellent company and do everything to make their guests comfortable and welcome. Excellent guiding by Jan, plenty of nearby places to stroll to around the lodge and enjoy seeing birds, lizards, various insects and plants and the most superb bungalows in which to enjoy comfortable relaxation and privacy.
Some people might be disappointed not to see lots of game but anyone with wider interests in plant-life, smaller animals and geology would enjoy being here."

Mundulea Reserve
"A great bush-camp"
Everything was provided by Bruno and Tommy, Bruno cooking over a fire after a full day out with us walking which was no mean feat. We learned a lot and had close sightings of a variety of animals, some very close to camp. The access road was difficult after prolonged rainfall, maybe at some point it will have to be addressed.
A welcome experience and a change from luxurious lodges, an adventure really."

Okonjima Plains Camp
"Return to Okonjima"
It is also a more acceptable way of allowing lots of people to see them as I find the idea of several vehicles chasing after stalking predators abhorrent and at least we know that these beautiful animals will be cared for if necessary.
At the same time the idea of educating people about the dreadful treatment we mete out to these animals is laudable. They do a good job here."

Skeleton Coast Camp, Namibia (this camp has since closed)
"Last stay at Skeleton Coast Camp"
Our guide was outstanding, all the camp staff outgoing and friendly and we had wonderful trips into this special area, appreciating the beauty and vastness and changeability. Everyone was sad that it was ending, but they gave us a great party to see it go out in style."
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Olive Grove
"Return to Olive Grove"
I would not go to any hotel in preference to the personal, individual accommodation on offer here"