Travelling in Rwanda
With your own 4WD vehicle and driver, travelling in Rwanda is fairly easy. Although major arterial routes are tarred, some roads in the more rural areas are not and can be in poor condition.Health in Rwanda
There are medical facilities of Western standards in Kigali; elsewhere facilities are rudimentary. It is generally wise to you are be up-to-date on vaccinations for typhoid, tetanus, polio and diphtheria. Many travellers also have the Havrix vaccine to guard against infection by hepatitis A and a yellow fever certificate is usually required for entry into Rwanda if you are passing through a yellow fever endemic country. Malaria is widespread throughout lowland Rwanda, so malaria precautions are generally essential.That said, it's vital that you always check the latest recommendations with your own doctor or travel clinic before you travel. (The Scottish NHS site can also be a useful travel resource for medical information about Rwanda.)
AIDS is common in Rwanda; HIV infection rates are high. Generally, this isn't an issue for visitors, though they should be aware of the current situation, and take the same wise precautions to avoid infection as in most other countries. We understand that blood supplies used by the private hospitals here have been carefully screened for years.
Language in Rwanda
The main language spoken in Rwanda is Kinyarwanda (a Bantu language, also known as 'Rwanda' or 'Ruanda'). French is widespread and English is also spoken by many people who are in contact with visitors.Visas for Rwanda
We understand that travellers of all nationalities need to purchase a visa when travelling to Rwanda; currently (Feb 2019), this costs US $30 and can be obtained on arrival. However, always check with your local Rwandan Embassy for the latest regulations; UK nationals will find details on the Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda in London website.Weather and climate in Rwanda
Rwanda presents visitors with a pleasant tropical highland climate, although rainfall is not uncommon. For more details, see our webpage on the climate and weather in Rwanda.Our top picks for holidays to Rwanda
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