Reviews of Mundulea Reserve
Wildlife sightings and reviews
86 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Mundulea Reserve and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

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"A hiker's treat"
We booked our stay at Mundulea for our second-to-last stop because we figured by then we would have seen a ton of animals and we would enjoy walking with Bruno just to see what we could see outside the confines of a vehicle. We learned about many different types of thorny acacia, all designed to snag and trip, and how to tell one dung pile from another. Whenever Bruno saw some poop he put it into his pocket until he had 6 samples and then laid them side-by-side under the shade of a marula tree – his outdoor classroom. He showed us how to ID the rhino’s dung by the bits of twigs nipped off at a 45 degree angle that it contained and how another one’s insects parts revealed it to be from a badger.
By the end of 2½ days we felt like we had walked a lot of the 13ooo acres. We never saw Hooker, the last male Black Rhino of the subspecies Bicornis chobensis, nor any of his gal friends. We did see scuff marks where some eland bulls had tussled and we watched a warthog watching us back before he trotted away with his tail pointing skyward. We dodged a swarm of wild honey bees in the mini-Grand Canyon we climbed through and passed by a pile of bones from a Kudu that had probably fallen to his demise.
We were informed and enchanted by Bruno’s knowledge of this special place." See all these reviews: 22n in Namibia
"Mundulea Reserve review"
Bruno has built a superbly secluded camp site, fitted it out with furniture he has made by hand. He cooks excellent food over an open fire. He takes you on walks to suit your level of activity, and the knowledge he imparts on the walks is breathtaking in its depth and breadth. Ask any question about anything Namibian and you get a detailed answer. Unfortunately we didn't see his leopards and cheetahs on foot, but we saw plenty of signs, including a duiker freshly killed and hidden under cover by a leopard.
Tracking the Black Rhinos was fascinating - he knows the individuals by their footprints. His most amazing conservation effort is to take the last male animal in the most endangered black rhino sub-species and breed it with females with the right genetic make-up borrowed from Etosha in an attempt to re-generate the sub-species. The camp is beside a waterhole and we spent all daylight hours watching the game come down to drink while we were not walking. But the most exciting part of the visit was when we stroked the puff adder he caught by hand!" See all these reviews: 13n in Namibia
"The 'Jewel in the Crown' of our Namibian trip"
The newly built camp has a wonderfully rustic charm in complete harmony with its beautiful surroundings and lacked for nothing in necessary facilities. Particulary impressive was the environmentally sustainable showers whiich Bruno had constructed using former gas cylinders which enabled the shower water to be heated by burning wood 'harvested' from scrub clearance. Just one more example of Bruno's many skills.
We were particularly fortunate that we were the sole guests at the camp during our stay so had lot of quality time to discuss a whole range of subjects with Bruno. The two walks we did were full of fascinating insights into so many different elements of the behaviour of game in a natural setting and was a massive contrast from Etosha where the game have become immune to the presence of humans. Relatively close encounters with kudu, a family of warthogs and wild cattle were electrifying.
Breakfast and evening meals were a delight with excellent and interesting meals cooked by Bruno over a wood fire. Sundowners with our host at a hide overlooking a waterhole were also a delight. Our only regret was that our stay had to come to an end but, hopefully we will get to return one day." See all these reviews: 18n in Namibia
"Mundulea Reserve review"
We had hot water for the shower (no bucket shower here), if taken during daylight hours; totally unexpected. Bruno has such imagination to have built this camp.
The walking was wonderful & it was such a change to see the animals from on foot rather than in a vehicle. Bruno's knowledge of the area is vast. It amazed me how he finds his way around.
The food cooked over the open fire was excellent with lots of it.
We would not hesitate to return - only next time, if going at this time of year, I think we would take hot water bottles & thermals; it got very cold in the night.
We wish Bruno all the best for his venture at Mundulea" See all these reviews: 14n in Namibia
"Dinner by lamplight at Mundulea"
The camp facilities provide basic comforts but are not luxurious. There is no electricity but that is part of the charm. We found it very relaxing to get into the rhythm of light/dark as part of the daily cycle. Dinner was cooked over an open fire and eaten by the light of kerosene lamps with some interesting stories from Bruno.
One of the things we liked best about this reserve (apart from the wildlife especially Bruno's wild cows!) was that relatively modest hills gave great views over the Central highlands south towards the Waterberg plateau and north towards the Otavi mountains (where we were headed next). Perfect spots for sundowners." See all these reviews: 10n in Namibia; 3n in Botswana; 2n in Zambia
"Incredible African expereince with an expert."
Bruno adjusted the next day perfectly with two shorter walks and some caving.
The camping was great but more basic than we had been led to believe. this mattered not at all it was just not quite what we ahd expected. We would go back to it though.
Bruno's cooking, knowledge and conversation was fantastic and I must admit that we have already reccomended him and this stay to several friends. I think that the other thing you may need to consider is that whilst Bruno is a very modest man, having his individual attention, skills and teaching is a wonderful experience even down to teaching my son to do fried eggs on the open fire each morning. Before going we had not appreciated what a privilege it would be to walk and sit in his company.
It would have been good not to have needed to rush off on the last day.
The only reason for the average mark for facilities is that it is after all a camp with a bucket shower, but the location is better than excellent!" See all these reviews: 16n in Namibia
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