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The annual wildebeest migration making a crossing in the Maasai Mara.

Canoeing in the Lower Zambezi: there's big game on the Zambian and Zimbabwean banks of the river.

A balloon in the still air of dawn, taking off over the Namib Desert.

A traditional hunting party sets off across the Kalahari just after the rains

A herd of Elephant roams the plains Arusha at the boot of Mount Meru.

Cape Town spreads around the feet of Table Mountain

A dip in the turquoise waters around Vamizi Island, Mozambique


Africa: Reviews from our travellers

Latest news: unedited reviews from Expert Africa's most recent travellers

Showing 5601-5610 of 5933
Arrival date
Mr & Mrs B

"Fantastic African adventure"

I visited Namibia and 2 other countries between 27 Jul 2008 and 25 Aug 2008
"Our holiday was fabulous! It all went very smoothly, and exceeded all our expectations.

It was all tremendous fun - we saw amazing things and met lovely people.

We have lots of wonderful memories and enough stories to last us years!

Suggestions for improvement:

No - you did a fantastic job for us!" Read full review: 29 nights in Africa; 18 on a Namibia trip
Overall trip
Mr & Mrs G

"Rwanda, Luangwa and Livingstone Safari Trip"

I visited Zambia and 2 other countries between 26 Jul 2008 and 9 Aug 2008
"The goriallas surpassed our expectations and this 4 day trip was a trip of a life time with 3 trecking days, the first day to see the golden monkeys and then 2 days of trecking to see the gorillas. Please be aware that with the animals each day you only get 1 hour of viewing time maximum.

South Luangwa lived up to our usual expections and the guys at Tafika base camp and the bush camps of Chikoko and Crocodile are some of the best in the area making a very good safari experience. My only comments here is they have to be careful when veting people to go on the bush camp trips as the make up of a group may affect the pleasure others get in this trip, i.e. mixing families with children with others on such a trip can be a downer. But certainly bush camps are for those who wish the real safari experience.

Toko Laya Safari Camp is an ideal place to finish yoru safari and catch the sights of Livingstone and the falls, a very well run and organsied camp despite having been only open since May 2008. A tribute to some of the good staff they have. The only issue that being in the game park next Livingstone it is not really a big game experince with no cats and not masses of wildlife. But a good place to relax and cover various experinces offered by the lodge.

Suggestions for improvement:

we were very well dealt with by Expert Africa and appreciated the opportunities to disucss fully when we wished to review/modify the itinerary." Read full review: 14 nights in Africa; 9 on a Zambia safari
Overall trip
St. Albans


I visited Tanzania and 1 other country between 26 Jul 2008 and 10 Aug 2008
"An excelent trip.

Suggestions for improvement:

I found Expert Africa's assistance really useful in planning the trip." Read full review: 15 nights in Africa; 5 on a Tanzania safari
Overall trip
Mr & Ms Lion cub

"Our First Safari Experience"

I visited Zanzibar and 1 other country between 26 Jul 2008 and 8 Aug 2008
"As a whole, despite the negative aspects of the holiday, the overall feeling we have come back with really relates back to the Safari section of our holiday. In hindsight, I would have spent longer on Safari and just a few days in Zanzibar. We've realised that we're really not lying around and chilling type people. We like to be doing things and experiencing exciting adventures! It has been a dream of mine to go on Safari since I was a child and Selous Impala Camp enabled all my dreams to come true! It truly was a wonderful experience and one I will never forget. What I saw of Africa was exactly how I had always imagined it - wild and beautiful and the wildlife we experienced was incredible. It was inspired me to want to visit other African countries to experience different safaris and cultures now!

Zanzibar was nice but it really has not made a huge impression on me. It could be that we did not go to the right resort for us? I don't know. It could just be that the Safari experience was so amazing, Zanzibar was always going to have alot to live up to?" Read full review: 13 nights in Africa; 8 on a Zanzibar holiday
Overall trip
Partridge family

"A fantastic holiday"

I visited Zambia between 25 Jul 2008 and 9 Aug 2008
"The holiday was everything that we could have wished for, and we loved every minute of it. Anna and Expert Africa are quite clearly highly regarded by the guides.

The one thing that did cause me some confusion were the various vouchers issued to us by Expert Africa, though ultimately it made no difference to our trip. One voucher stated that it was for a transfer from Lufupa Lodge to Lusaka, but in fact it was from Lunga River Lodge airstrip to Lusaka. The transfer vouchers for the second week while in North and South Luangwa were completely wrong. Though this caused me a lot of confusion, Remote Africa had worked it all out correctly, ignoring the vouchers, and everything was fine.

The issue of Tipping was a bit difficult for us, and definitely an area that I feel needs to be addressed in greater detail by Expert Africa. I had read somewhere that tipping is discretionary but that an amount of $5 - $8 per day per guest would be appropriate to pay to the guide. However, it is not only the guide that often deserves a tip, but also the staff at the various bush camps. I have no idea as to whether we were being mean or generous, but on average we were tipping our guides the equivalent of $40 - $50 for each day that we had with them, and a further $30 or so to the remainder of the staff at each camp per day (remembering that we are a family of five, and that we were usually the only guests at each camp).

Our guide for the whole of the first week was Brad from Wilderness Safaris. He was absolutely fantastic, extraordinarily knowledgeable about virtually anything that we wished to discuss, and seemed to possess a sixth sense when it came to spotting wildlife. He is such a nice person, and our 17,15 and 13 year old children all got on very well with him. He works tremendously hard and deserves a medal.

Would it have been possible for Expert Africa to give us advance notice of the identity of who we would be having as our guide? It would have been nice for us to have known his name in advance so that when we first met him we could have immediately realised what his role was.

Before we left the UK, I spoke with Anna and asked if it would be an idea for us to take out some spare clothing for the local villagers. She responded very enthusiastically and gave me a long list of suggestions as to what we could take, including any old clothes, shoes, toys, childrens books etc. When packing our bags we chose mostly old clothes that we did not wish to bring back to the UK at the end of our trip, and any spare room in our bags were then filled with other bits and pieces to give away.

At each camp that we stayed at we asked the camp manager whether it would be appropriate to give him some clothes and toys to distribute to his staff, and each time we received a very positive response. The staff may look well fed and clothed but their familes back in their home villages often own virtually nothing and we were assured that our meagre gifts would be gratefully received. Consequently we left quite a large volume of things behind in Zambia, and feel good that we have done our little bit to assist these people. Maybe Expert Africa could include some sort of guidance and suggestions in this area for any future like-minded travellers." Read full review: 15 nights in Africa; 7 on a Zambia safari
Overall trip
Accra family

"Possibly the best safari in the world."

I visited Namibia and 1 other country between 25 Jul 2008 and 16 Aug 2008
"This was a fantastic holiday.The adjectives that come to mind are not sufficient. The variety of landscapes, sights, activities and experiences were wonderful. It was a really good family holiday also. There was something for all our children to do and they got something out of every place we went to. However, the highlight of the trip for our 6 year and 3 year old was the car being pulled out of sand in road works on a minor gravel road in the Caprivi Strip by a huge six-wheeled grader - and particularly the bit where the driver forgot to put the grader's handbrake on and had to chase it down the hill and jump into the cab! Our 10 year old cannot say what the best part of the holiday was. It was all great. We agree.

Namibia is a great country and should be on everyone's list of places to see. The people are friendly. It feels safe and there is none of the lurking tension that you feel at times in South Africa. We'd say it was like South Africa, but better. There is such a variety of things to do and places to see. The desert is stunning. The dunes at Sossusvlei should be on your list of 50 things to do before you die. Swakopmund was so relaxing and it was just nice to potter about there. The food was delicious - seafood near the coast, game inland - and cheap. The smell and sound of the seals at Cape Cross will stay with us forever! Etosha is (insert your own superlative here - words escape us)! The numbers and variety of animals is mind-blowing - and all from your own car window. You do safari at your pace and go where you want to go without 20 other camera toting tourists in the vehicle with you. While there are lots of other people in the park with you, it never seems busy. The roads are largely empty and you could be the only vehicle at a waterhole on many occasions. We had the fortunate experience of a leopard cub ambling about in the road in front of us without a care in the world and eventually leading us to its mother, with no other cars in sight. Try doing that in Kenya! The Caprivi Strip is an undiscovered gem. The river camps and lodges are all perfectly sited and the opportunities to see riverine wildlife are fantastic. Again, there are few other tourists around (for the present), but once word gets out this is sure to change. There is none of the mass safari tourism of East Africa in Namibia. See it while it stays like this.

We also enjoyed finishing the holiday off at Victoria Falls while relaxing at the Zambezi Sun. Victoria Falls is another 'must see' and again adjectives do not sufficiently describe the experience. Our only regret was not seeing more of Botswana, but time did not allow. People we met who had been to the Kalahari and Okavango Delta were impressed.

It was very helpful and consderate of Sabina to contact us in Swakopmund to inform us that the garage in Kongola had closed and so fuel was not available there.

This was probably our best holiday ever with memories to last a lifetime." Read full review: 22 nights in Africa; 13 on a Namibia trip
Overall trip
Family J

"Our special family holiday"

I visited Zanzibar and 1 other country between 24 Jul 2008 and 3 Aug 2008
"I was very impressed with Expert Africa and would use the company again like a shot. We had an idea of what we wanted and they understood completely and tailor-made our holiday.

We had to change some arrangements and, far from it being an inconvenience to Expert Africa, they were cheerful about it and even enthusiastic, which I thought was very good indeed.

All the transfers, documentation and arrangements went like clockwork. And the website is great.

Suggestions for improvement:

No, just keep up the good work." Read full review: 10 nights in Africa; 5 on a Zanzibar holiday
Overall trip

"Namibia 2008"

I visited Namibia between 24 Jul 2008 and 12 Aug 2008
"A wonderful trip. We have excellent advice and service from Sabina at Expert Africa - thoroughly recommended. Namibia is a perfect place for an active holiday - dramatic landscapes, friendly people and a huge range of wildlife.

Thank you." Read full review: 19 nights in Africa; 18 on a Namibia trip
Overall trip
Pygmy Falcons


I visited Namibia between 24 Jul 2008 and 12 Aug 2008
"The trip was wonderful, everything worked like clockwork and all the arrangements were perfect.

Namibia was a beautiful country and the weather was perfect, much warmer than we expected, though cold at night, and no clouds at all for the entire trip, fog at Swakopmund on one day. The driving on tarmac was easy and on gravel we felt that 4x4 made the driving much more pleasant, others suffered with ordinary hire cars.

We ventured into towns, shops and garages and felt quite comfortable, only at Windhoek was there more of an edge with quite a lot of youths hanging about in the evening. The standard of accommodation and food was higher than we had expected, the scenery outstanding and the game in Etosha more widespread than we had expected." Read full review: 19 nights in Africa; 16 on a Namibia trip
Overall trip
Mr & Mrs Hyena

"An unforgetable holiday - we saw everything"

I visited Namibia and 1 other country between 24 Jul 2008 and 14 Aug 2008
"We really enjoyed our holiday and the positives completely outweigh the negatives and I have the photos to prove it.

We would go back to Botswana tomorrow - The Lagoon lodge was a fantastic experience.

Despite my reservations about the car it did not let us down after the puncture episode and was quiet and comfortable to ride in

To view my photos here" Read full review: 21 nights in Africa; 16 on a Namibia trip
Overall trip
Showing 5601-5610 of 5933
5933 Africa reviews by travellers since August 2007
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