Travel reviews by Mr & Mrs M from Nottingham
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Zambia 2008
Zambia between 8 Sep 2008 and 25 Sep 2008
Largely unspoiled and well populated with diverse game despite hunting its a great destination and more people should visit there rather than falling back on the old stalwarts all the time, Masai, Ngorongoro, Kruger Etosha etc.
Perhaps though most suitable for a third or subsequent African trip."

Lufupa Bushcamp, Zambia (this camp has since closed)
"Lufupa Bush Camp at Kafwala Rapids"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Musanza Bushcamp, Zambia (this camp has since closed)
"Musanza Bushcamp review"
We requested and were granted a brief visit to the nearby Zambian educational ministry fieldcamp - at treetops 3 kms from the bush camp. They have probably the worlds biggest Baobab in the grounds and an impressive display of mammal and reptile skulls arranged outside for students. I wonder if for a small donation to the school camp wilderness might consider taking other groups their for a brief visit?"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Lunga River Lodge, Zambia (this camp has since closed)
"Lunga Lodge and environs"
Very helpful and kind young dutch couple running the camp ? Rik and Ingrid if i recall correctly."
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Big Lagoon Camp
"Crocodile Bushcamp"
Watched Rory and the staff rescue a young buffalo stuck in a dambo and condemned. Their rescue took sustained effort, courage and was admirable.
Guide Sizsay (speeling?) great together with George Stuart and cook Patterson. Lovely guys one and all._"

Chikoko Tree Camp
"Chikoko Tree Camp review"
Isaac the guide wonderful sense of humour. When asked about the baboon skull pinned up on the bar he retorts that is the last tourist who upset me!"

"Tafika and environs"
Night drives exceptional, several leopard seen including one with a cub, serval, porcupine, and loads of civets and genets. Other guests saw honey badger aswell whilst we were there. My impression is the Nsefu sector has fantastic game day and night. John and Carol Coppinger were most hospitable and my complimentary microlight flight for adjusting our booking was very enjoyable. John might wish to know that my film proves conclusively the vulture nest is a that of a Lappet.
An administrative error - mix up caused a slight downer and some inconvemnience at the end of our stay but these things are usually one-offs and can happen anywhere from time to time. I have already recommended Tafika to friends and colleagues my comment of sans pareil (in my African experience to date) jotted in the guestbook is a fair reflection."

Taj Pamodzi Hotel, Zambia (this camp has since closed)
"Taj Pamodzi Hotel review"
I wanted to go back to the bush!!"!"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa