Reviews of Chikoko Tree Camp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
126 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Chikoko Tree Camp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa
"Chikoko Tree Camp review"
The Guide who escorted us was extremely competent and very knowledgeable. We especially appreciated the Tea Porter who accompanied us, after a couple of hours walking in the hot and dry bush a cup of tea and a piece of cake takes on a totally different meaning.
On one of the nights at Chikoko and for both of the nights at Crocodile we were the only guests and the poor Guide had sole responsibility for amusing us during meal times. It may have been a cultural thing but he seemed loath to ask us questions so the conversation was somewhat one sided and it must have seemed like we were grilling him. Could I suggest at times like these a professional host might be put to good use." See all these reviews: 9n in Zambia; 8n in Zanzibar
"Excellent safari at Chikoko"
But tented rooms, even with "double skin" roofs, very hot" See all these reviews: 14n in Zambia
We had many close encounters with animals throughout the trip but felt we also got a rounded experience of the whole ecology of the South Luangwa.
Enjoyed two afternoons doing watercolours (provided at the camps).
The camps provided access on foot to some different terrains. Amazing that despite no road access they could serve up such high class meals and service." See all these reviews: 9n in Zambia
"Great day's walking"
"Chikoko Tree experience"
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