Travel reviews by Mr & Mrs G from Salop
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Great adventure
Namibia between 5 Feb 2011 and 7 Mar 2011
Bullsport say all arrivals should phone for up to date road conditions and arrive by 4pm to avoid storms
This was essential at Sesriem as the R. Tsondab was running.
Good lodges
Good advice regarding the need for a 4x4 not a small car
Some advice on the best way to deal with roadside hawkers at roadside in towns and at crossroads. Uis is common haunt.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Guidance literature repetitive
No breakdown of costs in quotation
Choice of lodges in each area (as you did for us in Swapokmund) comparing prices and facilities"

Haus Sonneneck
"easy to find from airport,very comfortable"

BullsPort Lodge and Farm
"Exciting situation in the mountains"
We liked the situation and the walks from the door
We enjoyed the meals sitting around a big table
Very comfy room with tea and coffe and hot water
The owners were very friendly and helpful
saw Hartmans Zebra on a walk locally"

Kulala Desert Lodge
"Set in the Desert with Dune Views"
. They seemed to make sure that George carried your bags and a tip was definitely seemed expected
.There was no written list of expeditions which we found difficult to take in as there were several and expensive. 900 dollars for the Dunes.We decided to take a walk instead and this ended in rather a farce as the manager grew anxious when we didnt return within anhour and sent out a search party. He was very overweight and running through the desert was not good for him im afraid
Food and room very good,individual balconies nice.
.I would have preferred to stay at Sesriem with hindsight although sunset over the dunes was beautiful"

Secret Garden Guesthouse
"Vey comfy Band B near the sea and shops"
Helpful hosts with great breakfast and a good choice in music1
Pizza cafe as part of the premises ,which were very tasy and cooked to order.
Excellent restaurant at the end of the jetty,need to book
Interesting walks ,saw Flamingos.
Security again seemed to be a problem
Would definitely recommend even with the less expensive room."

Brandberg White Lady Lodge
"Wonderful lodge in the shadow of namibias Hi"
On one evening the workers at the lodge did a lovely concert ,they have their own choir.
The workshop at the lodge were ale to repair the puncture very reasonably.
The brick built chalets had hot water provided by individual woodburning stoves lit for us early in the morning.
Every morning a flask of boiling water was delivered to the chalet for early morning tea.
They had a meer cat pet on the premises which was cute.
had we been able to get there ,there was a famouswall painting The white lady Very close by and the splendours of the Brandburg Mountain."

Ondudu Safari Lodge
"Amazing Experien ce in the Granite Mountains"
Very good for those who like walks with excellent guides and marked paths for those who want to walk on their own. All these included in the price.
Very kind and helpful staff,very friendly.
Quite a lot of wild life with the Dassies and baboons
Many colourful birds and people to identify them
Food really excellent ,the best in Namibia."

Haus Sonneneck
"Already completed"

Under own arrangements (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"Visit to the CCF"
This was most interesting and enjoyable, we learnt a lot and were able to give some help"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa