Travel reviews by B x 6 from Seattle
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Boyd Group - Zambia
Zambia between 14 Sep 2009 and 30 Sep 2009
Pls. see prior comments on suggestions."

Own Arrangements in Botswana (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"Luangwa Safari House"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Luangwa Safari House
"Luangwa Safari House review"
Lucinda and the house staff really made us feel that this was our home for the duration of our stay. They left nothing wanting. The facility itself was delightful - the views of game from the deck were excellent and the dipping pool was enjoyed by all.
Jacob, our guide, was gracious, knowledgable, great company and an incredible asset for RPS. After 10 days of safari we found his tour of a local village most valuable. Being enveloped in luxury it was a healthy reminder that 90% of the Population lives on less than $2 per day.
We have no recommendations on how this experience could be improved."

Tena Tena
"Tena Tena review"
Our interaction with the non expats was excellent. Our guide, Simon, was experienced and knowlegeable and provided a superb trip to the Hot Springs area where we saw a day time Leopard Kill. However he could benefit from coaching on his interpersonal skills as, unattended, this could limit his career options. Ema could benefit from seeing how Lucinda approaches her job."

Chongwe River House
"Chongwe River House review"
The seamless way this team functioned and the obvious competence of everyone we interacted with just added to our experience. Brenden, who was preparing to leave for a paternity break, exudes confidence and experience and was delightful company. Mario, our guide, introduced us to tiger fishing and to canoeing on the Zambezi.
Special mention needs to be made of the chef, Mario's brother, and of Francis, who took great care of us.
After two plus weeks of game drives time spent on the water was a welcome change. It was good scheduling to do this at the end - not the start - of our trip"
We have no recommendations on how this experience could be improved."