Travel reviews by Birdman from Chesham
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October 2019 in The Seychelles
Seychelles between 12 Oct 2019 and 31 Oct 2019
The comments we have made above are therefore intended to be constructive. We did however feel that, like so many other places, we were visiting about 30 years too late and that what we really wanted to see, like the wildlife, peaceful places and the real Seychelles, had been overtaken by events, tourists and tourist facilities. We are not beach people. Knowing what we know now, we would have revised our itinerary somewhat. But for the poor food, we could have stayed on Bird Island for at least one more night but would definitely have added two days to the Coco de Mer on Praslin. We would however have excluded any nights on La Digue and just covered that island by a day trip from Praslin and a taxi tour.
Mason's Travel had made all our local arrangements and these generally went well and efficiently as did the local trips we booked through the good island representatives. The one hiccough was caused by our delayed Bird Island to Mahe to Praslin flights. We were supported well at Mahe Airport but no message from there to Praslin with our revised details seemed to have got through and we, a French family and a French group were kept waiting at the Mason's desk for some time until staff eventually arrived and transportation or hired cars were sorted out. The staff member at the Praslin Jetty could also have been more helpful and friendly on our last day on that island. Trips to Aride did not seem to be operating while those to Cousin were heavily booked. We did not attempt to go because of my mobility problems, the number of noisy participants, and a major mosquito presence. Chris had already reacted badly to sandfly bites on Bird Island and we didn't want a further similar occurrence. We made quite detailed lists of the wildlife we did see and those I shall send separately to Lucy soon.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
None. I shall use Expert Africa again."
Arranged By Lucy Copson

Eden Bleu Hotel (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"Eden Bleu Hotel review"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Bird Island Lodge
"Bird Island Lodge review"
We went fully equipped but 90% of the guests lacked binoculars so why were there none for hire? The briefing on arrival was perfunctory with insufficient information as to what one could/should not do and on what facilities were available although this was to a large degree corrected during Darrel's excellent offered walk on our third afternoon. True, there were leaflets one could read but how many people do so and a verbal message is always best. Fishing which was on the advertised list of activities was no longer available. The Bird Sightings Board was never updated although of great importance to birdwatchers. Word of mouth between guests was the order of the day. We were most grateful for the motorized lifts we were twice given to good bird viewing points as our activities would otherwise have been severely curtailed.
The biggest let-down was however the restaurant as the lack of imagination as to how to serve up the mainstays of chicken, fish, rice and pumpkin differently and with taste for each meal was stunningly obvious. Often dishes ran out and were very slowly replaced if at all. Dinner at 20.00 hrs, the latest we experienced throughout the Seychelles, was far too late for young children and anyone with indigestion problems and, as a result, we were restricted to just the soup and a few vegetables each evening. We also, like others leaving on the same day as ourselves, felt that we could have been offered something to drink while waiting for our delayed flight and doubted if we would have been offered lunch if our plane had arrived even later. There was talk of 15 more chalets being constructed - perhaps the existing facilities including the catering should be upgraded first."

Coco de Mer Hotel
"The Coco de Mer Hotel : a holiday highlight "

Le Domaine d'Orangeraie
"Le Domaine d'Orangeraie in brief"

Le Sans Souci