Travel reviews by Mr & Mrs H. from Bucks
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Our 2022 Kenya trip
Kenya between 14 Jan 2022 and 22 Jan 2022
Individual members of the team have in-depth knowledge of their countries, and are prepared to take the time to find out exactly where you would like to go and the sort of places that will appeal. This trip was no exception - thank you, Lyndsey!
Despite the pandemic, we were also met with a warm welcome wherever we went in Kenya, making for a relaxing holiday that made all the pre-travel bureaucracy disappear into the background.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
None that I can think of"
Arranged By Lyndsey Marris

Offbeat Ndoto
"Offbeat Ndoto review"

5 sightings

3 sightings

5 sightings

8 sightings

10+ sightings

7 sightings

1 sighting

9 sightings

Spotted Hyena
10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Water Lovers Beach Resort
"Water Lovers Beach Resort review"
We particularly enjoyed kayaking out to the reef at low tide, and borrowing masks and snorkels to explore beneath the waves. The fish life here isn't plentiful, but it's there to be found if you're prepared to look.
There's no chance of going hungry, either, with an exceptionally good breakfast selection and a varied dinner menu that includes a catch of the day and plenty of vegetarian/vegan options."
Our Maasai guide was very good, with huge knowledge of the mammals and the environment, if not so interested in birds. We enjoyed a leisurely walk across an open plateau near camp, and a night drive after dinner, too. Even unseasonal rain didn't stop play, with cheetah continuing to hunt, though hyenas bolted for cover when hit by a particularly torrential downpour!
Meals at Ndoto were a further highlight, from dinner in a quiet glade to bush breakfasts in scenic locations such as a shallow river crossing or alongside the Mara River itself."