Travel reviews by Mr P from West Sussex
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Fantastic fortnight
Namibia between 12 Aug 2007 and 26 Aug 2007
There was something different every day, and we never quite knew what was coming next, but we were never disappointed."
Arranged By Sabina Hekandjo

BullsPort Lodge and Farm
"Overnight stay"

Desert Homestead
"Super starry sky"
Unfortunately, there seemed to be a problem in the kitchen one evening, and as a result the meal was undercooked, which was disappointing as the other meals were fine. However, we were not the only ones to mention this, and the staff were most concerned and apologetic. An allowance was made for this when we settled out bill on leaving."

Sam's Giardino
"Cool western coast."
Again, there were trips on offer which we did not have enough time to fit in, but that was no fault of Sam'!
We enjoyed Swakupmond."

Doro Nawas
"Exciting elephant safari"
The staff could not have been more helpful, and quite often if we were just sitting around would come to make sure everything was all right and there was nothing we needed.
The accommodation was first class, but sadly it was a bit chilly for sleeping under the stars, although a lovely idea!
We all particularly enjoyed the off-road elephant safari."

Okaukuejo Camp
"Brilliant waterhole"
Gradually we gained a better understanding of what the camp was all about, and found it to be quite good.
Our bungalows in relation to the waterhole were brilliant. The dining room was undergoing refurbishment at the time and meals were served in a marquee, which everything considered was quite good."

Halali Camp
"Good base for the park"
Breakfasts were a bit scant, and this was not because we were late taking them. The cooked part was good, but there was often a shortage of juice, or fruit and glasses, plates and saucers. The evening meals were better.
Considering this is described as the best camp of the three main ones, we did not find it so, and prefered Okaukuejo. Having said that, its location with regard to waterholes and drives nearby was very good.
No information on mealtimes, amemities or activities."

Ondudu Safari Lodge
"Pleasant and relaxing mountain accommodation"
The restaurant, service, and food were well above expectations.
Alas only one night stop-over."
Two nights would have been better to enable us to do these. Pleasant walk roung the Kudu Trail.
Ernst and Joanna were very welcoming, and we spent an enjoyable evening meal around the table with them, and other guests."