Travel reviews by Mr & Mrs W from Wiltshire
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My May 2022 trip
Botswana between 15 May 2022 and 2 Jun 2022
Arranged By Lucy Copson

Jao Camp
"Jao Camp review"

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

1 sighting

Wild dog
1 sighting

Many sightings

Duba Explorers Camp
"Duba Explorers Camp review"
The cold spell started when we arrived here, but we still loved every moment out in the bush. Highlights included a large herd of relaxed Sable, a family of Ground Hornbills and a Wild Dog hunt which could have easily made the grade for BBC Earth"

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

1 sighting

Sable antelope
1 sighting

Wild dog
Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Zarafa Camp
"Zarafa Camp review"
Our guide was probably the most impressive tracker we have had the privilege of spending some time with - he was going to find the wild dogs for us. On the last day we finally caught up with them and located a new den which was very exciting indeed. We felt truly blessed."

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Roan antelope
1 sighting

Sable antelope
1 sighting

Spotted Hyena
1 sighting

Wild dog
1 sighting

1 sighting

Many sightings

Duba Plains Camp
"Duba Plains Camp review"
The staff were again outstanding. There was a staff member who was visiting the camp and it was her job to assess the camp and introduce improvements, and I did feel very sorry for her because I genuinely failed to see what she could come up with!"

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings

1 sighting

Many sightings

White Rhino
Many sightings

Wild dog
Many sightings

Many sightings

Many sightings
Wild Dogs & Honey Badgers
Botswana between 24 Sep 2011 and 4 Oct 2011
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
None - you are doing a very good job"
Arranged By Lucy Copson

Lagoon Camp
"Lagoon Camp review"
The new camp is stunning - 50 nights would not have been long enough!"

Tau Pan Camp
"Tau Pan Camp review"
This might not be everyones idea of the the best safari but we met a lady who had just arrived and was staying for 3 months. We could have easily joined her."
Botswana Holiday
Botswana between 29 Sep 2009 and 13 Oct 2009
Botswana is expensive but it really has been worth the extra pennies. Being able to drive off road makes a huge difference over other destinations in Africa. Our wild dog encounters were outstanding - we fell in love with this country & cant wait to return.
The only negative comment was our fellow guests. we have never been anywhere where 95% of our fellow guests showed so little interest or knowledge of what they were viewing e.g no-one knew what a pangolin/aardvark was and showed no interest or excitement in the exceptionally lucky sightings and seemed more interested in the table decorations and the Wine.
Suggestions for improvement:
We cannot think of anything apart from the price!"
Arranged By Lucy Copson

Camp Kalahari
"Meerkat Heaven"
The weather was terrible - windy & cold but we still had a terrific time. I did not expect the meerkat experience to be so enchanting and our guide Shabba? was really very informative and a pleasure to be with.
The game, as we expected was not all around us but to see this type of habitat with the meerkats makes this, for us an essential add on to any trip to Botswana."

Kwara Camp
"Kwara Camp review"
However our guide Bali did try very hard but we were slightly disappointed as we had heard/read a lot about the quality of the Kwando guides. He did not seem to be able to position the car very effectively for photos and mis-identified a few birds but to be fair he did try but just was not to the standard we had hoped. Bali did take us at a very long night drive & we saw a lovely Serval which was very nice & we appreciated this.
The Tracker BJ was terrible. He spent most of his time chatting & lost his concentration for frequent & extended periods. We thought it was just us being very demanding but found out later the other couple felt the same & joked they were going to give their tip to my husband as he had spotted 99% of our sightings.
We were meant to stay here for 4 nights but we were getting increasing frustrated so asked if we could go to Lagoon earlier which was not a problem."

Lagoon Camp
"Lagoon Camp review"
Our guide Alson and his tracker Baruti were everything we could have asked for. Their tracking ability was unbelievable. How the guides managed to find the 3 cheetah brothers in all that space I will never know. Beruti was constantly spotting animals way before us and we saw lots of anilmals here.
There were many highlights which included following the Wild Dogs hunting, watching them on a kill, spending time at a Hyena den watching the puppies play, watching Wild Dog puppies play, but how Beruti managed to spot a Pangolin in the long grass on a night drive is beyond comprehension.
We never thought we would be lucky enough to see this but then we had never met Baruti before! I loved the mornings at the Lagoon with all the birds in the camp & a lovely tortoise. Every drive yielded a new experience for us."

Linyanti Bush Camp
"Linyanti Bush Camp review"
We had a rare sighting of the Roan antelope, 3 leopard sightings (all very good at night), some very cute dwarf mongoose and a wonderful sighting of an Aardvark. The camp manager Noreen was delightful & very happy for us when we saw the Aardvark.
The head guide Issac was a truely professional guide who would do anything to help and we thought one of the camp staff called Benson must be the politest man in Africa!"
The Jao Flats are exceptionally beautiful and we enjoyed them in a good flood year. Lechwe bounding through the water, elephants having fun in the water, wild dogs hunting lechwe on the flood plain, swallows and martins following our truck - Paradiso"