Travel reviews by Mr & Mrs M from Devon
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Overall an excellent holiday
Tanzania and 1 other country between 1 Jul 2019 and 15 Jul 2019
A very good holiday with a good balance between the three locations.
Even though we already had visas for Tanzania we had to stand and wait at immigration while a staff member collected a whole pile of passports and visas and then worked through them interminably slowly!
On arrival in Zanzibar we expected to show our passports and yellow fever vaccination certificates! In the event we just filled in blue cards, gave them to the member of staff, plucked our bags off the carousel and walked out to our transport. (This was Fisherman Tours-their vehicles are very comfortable and they were always punctual)
Having read dreadful accounts of Zanzibar airport (standing in long queues in the heat etc) we were pleasantly surprised. Yes, it is small and cramped but there were no long waits and we left on time."
Arranged By Claire Scott

Southern Sun Dar
"Comfortable and convenient"

"Wonderful lakeside camp"
We loved the views at lunchtime, sitting around the fire before dinner, eating out under the stars and chatting with our fellow guests in the bar afterwards.
A lovely, cool, spacious tent but not overly keen on the arrangement whereby the flaps tied back afforded a view of the toilet but we did like the outside shower.
Heard interesting and sometimes scary animal noises in the night!
Great boat trips on the lake (including a surprise lunch on the boat)"

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

1 sighting

Spotted Hyena
2 sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Sand Rivers Camp
"One of the nicest places to stay-ever!!"
The bar area was very attractive and we loved dining looking out over the water. The staff were very attentive and Michelle always did that bit extra to make us feel special.
We also considered ourselves fortunate to have Promise (not sure of spelling) as our safari guide. His knowledge of animals and birds is very comprehensive and we were impressed by his ability to spot something 30 metres away whilst driving over undulating terrain! And his command of English is excellent. We particularly enjoyed the boat trips and trip to the hot springs.
We would have liked a safe in our room. A really unusual swimming pool!"

10+ sightings

1 sighting

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

1 sighting

2 sightings

Spotted Hyena
4 sightings

Wild dog
10+ sightings

10+ sightings

10+ sightings

Anna of Zanzibar
"Tropical Paradise"
Our villa was spacious and cool. We enjoyed being able to choose the location for our meals and opted for a table by the beach.
Meals provided plenty of fruit and fish which was to our liking but some of the meals were a bit samey and over spiced. (We know Zanzibar is a spice island but there are spices other than chili)
We enjoyed the trip to a spice farm (although it is rather a long journey there and back)"
A wonderful trip
Zambia between 7 Jul 2014 and 20 Jul 2014
Our overall trip was wonderful and we saw vast numbers of game and other wildlife. It was all a big adventure and an amazing experience. We did learn that to get the best outcome you may need to SAY what you want. However the phrase "a small portion please" never seemed to have the desired effect!
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
No, everything was very well done."
Arranged By Claire Scott

Kaingo Camp
"Our favourite camp"
We loved the deck overhanging the river and enjoyed our lunches and a dinner there. We saw a remarkable amount of game including lions feasting on a kudu they had killed. Our guide was very good and knowledgeable.
There were only four guests in the camp and we didn't see a lot of the other two so we felt a bit like royalty.
It is, alas a very long and dusty transfer from Mfue (particularly with the current road works)."

Mwamba Bushcamp
"Lovely remote camp."
We started to find the game drives a bit too long but we learned to speak up and request an earlier return to camp and also more time along the river.
A nice touch was hot water bottles on the early morning game drive. (Thank you Charlie)"

Chongwe River Camp
"Lovely River Location"
We were not so impressed with the tents. The bathroom lacked privacy and there was just a silly little screen around the WC.
Our first night we were only four guests (and we never set eyes on the other two) and we were well looked after. There was a problem, however with the wine. It had been decanted (from a box ?) into a jug that was stored in the chiller cabinet. It was virtually undrinkable. However, at dinner bottles were produced which were fine. So next time the jug appeared we made it clear that in our view they were letting themselves down badly by serving such rubbish. After that they made a point of serving us out of bottles.
The next day a party of fourteen arrived. Although the staff tried to look after us, seating us at our own table etc.., some of the atmosphere was lost. However, we had a lovely private dinner by the pool.
That evening we opted for a canoe trip. We found ourselves with a party of three other canoes with people not even from our camp. They included adults who tried incompetently to paddle themselves and children in different boats who chattered to one another. We were tail end charlies at the rear. So the peace and tranquillity of gliding through the water was lost and some of the wildlife didn't hang around.. So, taking your advice, we made our feelings known and the next evening we enjoyed a canoe trip just for ourselves. Lovely!!"
July is peak safari season in Zambia when most of the camps tend to be full. These travellers were very fortunate to have only two other guests in camp for the first night, offering a very personalized service. However the next day a group arrived and this made the camp quite full.
These travellers went on a shared canoe safari with guests staying at one of Chongwe’s other properties. Chris explained that it is considered a bit safer to have groups of canoes travelling together, rather than lots of individual canoes travelling separately, as there is less disturbance to the pods of hippos in the river channels. However on request, these travellers were offered a private canoe trip, which we understand they were very happy with. We are pleased to see that these travellers did take our advice and speak to the management whilst in camp, as it is much easier to rectify any problems there and then, rather than to wait until you get home and then it is too late!

Waterberry Zambezi Lodge
"A god location to visit the falls"
Our first evening we went to the bar area for a pre dinner drink and had to keep calling out "hello" for five minutes before we got any attention. The following day on our return from Victoria falls we were told that our lunch would be waiting for us. We sat down and were served a drink and then bread and butter And then we waited. After a further 35 minutes we got fed up and went to reception to complain that we were just not being looked after.. (It didn't help to hear other guests all saying how very well they were looked after) Our lunch (a cold salad) then appeared.
To be fair, after that nothing was too much trouble for them, and we even had a special dinner served on our veranda with a bottle of sparkling wine. We enjoyed two really lovely sunset cruises and saw lots of birds and crocodiles.
The falls were spectacular and well worth the visit."
Enjoyed both our dinner and the buffet breakfast."