Travel reviews by Ms G from Washington
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Zambia is a unique and beautiful destination!
Zambia between 12 Oct 2013 and 18 Oct 2013
"What I wanted in a safari was density and variety of wildlife without lots of other people around. It's a very rare place indeed that can meet these requests. Zambia exceeded my expectations! I'm glad I went at the end of the dry season so that the animals were easier to view due to lack of vegetation as well as being in more concentrated numbers due to limited water sources.
What also made Zambia so unique was that there are sub species of giraffe and zebra that are only viewed in Zambia (and maybe Malawi). Somehow that made the experience that much more special.
I came back from my trip sad that I had to leave and immediately telling my friends on Facebook that they needed to put Zambia on their bucket list! (My images of all the wildlife I saw helped convince many that they too needed to go!)
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Your feedback form is critical if filled out by customers. I like that you follow up trips with a way to leave detailed feedback and I hope (and I believe) that you use the feedback to improve and update your info on the camps. I can't really think of any suggestion I can recommend to improve your system.
Exert Africa has been fantastic. I had no glitches with my arrangements and felt confident that if I did I'd know who/what to do, thanks to your information you provided."
What also made Zambia so unique was that there are sub species of giraffe and zebra that are only viewed in Zambia (and maybe Malawi). Somehow that made the experience that much more special.
I came back from my trip sad that I had to leave and immediately telling my friends on Facebook that they needed to put Zambia on their bucket list! (My images of all the wildlife I saw helped convince many that they too needed to go!)
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Your feedback form is critical if filled out by customers. I like that you follow up trips with a way to leave detailed feedback and I hope (and I believe) that you use the feedback to improve and update your info on the camps. I can't really think of any suggestion I can recommend to improve your system.
Exert Africa has been fantastic. I had no glitches with my arrangements and felt confident that if I did I'd know who/what to do, thanks to your information you provided."
Arranged By Maruska AdyeRowe

Chongwe River Camp
"Bucket List Destination!"
3 nights
12 Oct 2013
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

"Wildlife Extravaganza!"
3 nights
15 Oct 2013
"Tafika is the place to go if you want to see all that Zambia has to offer as far as wildlife variety. It's absolutely amazing how much you see! Healthy lion prides, Cape Buffalo, Crawshay's zebra, Thornicroft zebras, civet, leopard, Elephant shrew, Pel's owl, Carmine Bee Eaters, Lilac Breasted Roller,Tawny Eagle, Fish Eagle, spotted hyena, even wildebeast (which have not been known to be seen much in this region). The list goes on! -I saw all of this and more while there for just 3 nights! An absolutely amazing experience!
What's also amazing is the food! It's all catered and varied each day. I never had a bad meal while there.
One thing to know about this camp is that the sleeping huts are open to the outdoors. This is both a plus and can be for some a negative. What I mean is that I love how much the hut is a part of the environment. What was sometimes a distraction was the insects. For most I'm sure this is not a concern in the least, but it's worth mentioning in case you are like me and not necessarily used to sleeping so closely with the smaller inhabitants of the park! There is definitely no health concerns to worry about though. You sleep with a mosquito net and there's bug spray on hand to use as well. I think it's just good to be aware ahead of time so you know what to expect! And it certainly didn't hinder my experience in the least! They were, in fact, very accommodating to my concerns!
You simply cannot beat the wildlife viewing while at Tafika. What's also nice is that you hardly run in to other vehicles while on drives! You really get the sense that you have the whole park to yourself!
The guides are absolutely top notch. Their level of expertise and training far surpasses what's needed to be a guide there. It's obvious this is a lifestyle choice for them and that they really love their job and the wildlife their showing you!
A fantastic camp that you will be sad to leave at the end of your stay!"
What's also amazing is the food! It's all catered and varied each day. I never had a bad meal while there.
One thing to know about this camp is that the sleeping huts are open to the outdoors. This is both a plus and can be for some a negative. What I mean is that I love how much the hut is a part of the environment. What was sometimes a distraction was the insects. For most I'm sure this is not a concern in the least, but it's worth mentioning in case you are like me and not necessarily used to sleeping so closely with the smaller inhabitants of the park! There is definitely no health concerns to worry about though. You sleep with a mosquito net and there's bug spray on hand to use as well. I think it's just good to be aware ahead of time so you know what to expect! And it certainly didn't hinder my experience in the least! They were, in fact, very accommodating to my concerns!
You simply cannot beat the wildlife viewing while at Tafika. What's also nice is that you hardly run in to other vehicles while on drives! You really get the sense that you have the whole park to yourself!
The guides are absolutely top notch. Their level of expertise and training far surpasses what's needed to be a guide there. It's obvious this is a lifestyle choice for them and that they really love their job and the wildlife their showing you!
A fantastic camp that you will be sad to leave at the end of your stay!"
Experience Report
Overall Rating:
Believe me when I say that the food quality is not compromised by the fact that you are in the middle of the wilderness! Our meals were all fantastic and varied. You are never without options for food as well. Even if you eat at a different time than the rest of the camp. The staff are extremely accommodating.
Put this place on your Bucket List and you will be glad you did!"